Hello, everyone! Starting later today, we're gonna pick back up the Three Tangerines cross-posting, and the whole series on here will include all the B-Sides/Drabbles that have sprung up on tumblr throughout the years. Parts already scheduled for release, to be posted every day or every 2 days from July 11-August 31st (weekly breaks between main storyline chapters): ✍️ Fireworks Drabbles: Kitchen (Yoongi POV), Countdown (Yoongi POV), Balcony (Yoongi POV) ✍️ Reader Games Drabbles: Truth, Dare, On Purpose ✍️ Drabble Requests: you're going out in that? Main Storyline: House Party (5 parts) Main Storyline: Basketball (5 parts) (Explicit) ✍️ Drabble Request: this makes sense now (tae pov) Main Storyline: Stay (6 parts) (Explicit) Look forward to a 3tan filled couple months! Should be a smooth transition into the rest of the chapters to start releasing in September 2024 when all of these are out.
@ kithtaehyung I am looking forward for the next chapter !❤️❤️❤️❤️ and I will read and comment everywhere!