
Hey too anyone that reads my stories i just wanna say sorry for not uploading in literaly forever i dont have an amazing excuse i just started highschool and i pretty much just and my friend started a new account and started up a story like 2 months ago and i was gonna start iuploading my own stories again but then i got seriosly sick and ended up in the hospital for just over 2 months ago and i have been recovering since :)sorry again but throughout this week im gonna start uploading again and maybe even re-write one of them to make it better:P thanks


Hey too anyone that reads my stories i just wanna say sorry for not uploading in literaly forever i dont have an amazing excuse i just started highschool and i pretty much just and my friend started a new account and started up a story like 2 months ago and i was gonna start iuploading my own stories again but then i got seriosly sick and ended up in the hospital for just over 2 months ago and i have been recovering since :)sorry again but throughout this week im gonna start uploading again and maybe even re-write one of them to make it better:P thanks


heyyy everyone !! i got past my writers block and i am once again writing married to a vampire sooooo yeahhh!!! lol im over excited because its like the middle of the night but whatever! ok so from now on anyone that comments or fans or even adds my book to their library gets a chapter dedicated to them :P so thats fun :P anyways i would like to give a shout out to my friend AllynMarie because her story is just plane awsome! she just started not even an hour ago and she already has 40 reads :P good job lynny XD


heyy everyone im still kinda in writers block for married to a vampire but i will try to come up sith something by the end of the day. If i dont well then i updated my new story "to find you" to make up for my lack of updating......thanks so much to all  the people who have read my story i love you alll so much and i would also like to tell you if you comment or fan i will dedicate a chapter to you :P ninja skills XD


heyy everyone!!! i got good news and bad news.......the good news is that i got a brand new laptop so my stories are going to be uploaded MUCH more often.......bad news is i am taking a break from writing kidnapped and now married to a vampire...yes i am going to finsish it but i just have MAJOR writing block :( sorry for that guys......but to pass by the time while i wait till i have an idea for the story i decided to start a new story!!!  this story is called " Angels cry but so do I" it is a great little story and i have the whole thing planned out! please read it and i hope you all like it!!! bote comment and fan!!!


sorry everyone that i havent uploaded  in FOREVER but my laptop BROKE and no i am not kidding it litterly broke down lol  it sucks majorly and i wont be uploading much until i get a new one.....right now im on my dads and this is how i will be uploading for the time being......sorry for the inconveinence everyone :( im mad too! vote comment and fan! love you all and thanks for the 220 reads on kidnapped and now a maid to a vampire!!!