
Hi, I'm Brazilian, I wanted to ask you if I can make a version of your best story and translate it into my language?
          Oh and can I put extra scenes?
          Oi, sou brasileira, queria perguntar se posso fazer uma versão da sua melhor história e traduzi-la para o meu idioma?
          Ah, e posso colocar cenas extras?


I have had admired your (not all smut) story contents. I am hoping that you would like to give some productive con-crits to a work of mine, a oneshot yet. I would like to know myself better that is. A direct answer of yes or no can be given, not at all a problem. I am in seek of your honest opinion. That will be all, thank you. Continued support to you.


@kitsnake Thank you for your open mind. Thank you for the productive counsel. Thank you for writing stories. Thank you for..reminding us what writing a story is all about. Delved in into my own mistakes, I forgot what its like to live in the moment. Until now. It felt like I was no longer human. I was just writing because of attention, a great conflict in which I would want it either, but not as well. A big dilemma. But thank you. Take care from here onwards.


@Eunoia_Yugen Have fun with what you write and be patient. I can't stress that enough. I'm not a good writer. I've made a million mistakes. I will continue to do that and there is nothing wrong with it because  something is learned every time. 
            The best part still is that its done and you wrote that. 
            This is your baby. 
            Love it for what it is before anyone else does and always have an open mind. 
            But don't open it to much to where it's no longer your thoughts and it's just the crowd. Then your story is no longer yours to share and it's the thoughts of others instead. 
            That's when writing becomes tedious instead of fun. 
            Enjoy what you do and have the patience to see it grow. 
            Trust me, nearly all of my stories are from 2014. It took years. Other stories ten times better on here have achieved more than I have in months or weeks on all their stories, so that's why I say to relax. 
            It's out there and it's done. 
            Only thing to do is move on to something else and not stress over it. 
            Also, it's wattpad. Try other sites like A03 or even fanfiction just for the hell of it. 
            Other than that, I've no clue what else to say but please enjoy what you write and love it with an open mind.


@kitsnake Given time to console young writers, are there any advice you would like to remind? Forget the former request just now. Not only are you inspiring aspirers, but enchanting them to go on and follow their own footsteps above. I hope they can see your counsel. Would like to know.
            (P.S. thank you)