
May has 31 days, so for short story month, I had to write 31 stories. Of those 31, I wrote 20 stories which is twice as many as I thought I would get done considering I had an entire weeks worth of exams to prepare for and take of which ended yesterday.
          	That is an entire 20 weeks worth of content for me already prepped and ready to go. That means The Last Heist will be going on hiatus until I run it dry. I'll be releasing all of them in the same book considering how connected some of them are, but I may end up reorganising and separating them later.


May has 31 days, so for short story month, I had to write 31 stories. Of those 31, I wrote 20 stories which is twice as many as I thought I would get done considering I had an entire weeks worth of exams to prepare for and take of which ended yesterday.
          That is an entire 20 weeks worth of content for me already prepped and ready to go. That means The Last Heist will be going on hiatus until I run it dry. I'll be releasing all of them in the same book considering how connected some of them are, but I may end up reorganising and separating them later.


I'm taking part in Short Story Month May where you try and write one short story every day. Then I'm thinking about using that as a starting point for the Hamilton themed The Other 51 challenge for another five months of constant writing.
          The second thing will throw off my year schedule so tell me what you think about that. The year schedule is alternating between reading, drawing and writing every month.


Read up on article 13 if you haven't already, it threatens to destroy an entire aspect of our culture and no one but the fans actually care. I won't talk you ear off about it just read up on it because it really matters and use your big brains of yours to think about it to understand why.
          When you figure it out yourself it is so much more terrifying, important and Hulk inducing.


Can I just say I love reading your comments on my books? They're so refreshing, it's like getting a chapter review and I love it. Nice change from "OMG great chapter!!" Or "update!!" 


@khadijiah1 well a few hours ago i did another on your iron fist fanfic if you haven't read it already, though i suppose you have.


@kitten12333 yeah, but it's still nice when you do. 


@khadijiah1 thank you though sometimes i just write "pls update" whenever i read a chapter that i have thoughts on i write them down in the comments sometimes i also add suggestions on how to make it better or how a character seems out of well character but i don't do it that often.