
Hey girl I am one of your subscriber from yt (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) and have a small request please complete your rest of the stories first before starting new ones (⁠人⁠⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) cause many times it becomes confusing to remember all storylines and please try to understand your stories are the best like exactly what I want and am always curious to know what happened next so please please please don't ignore me if there is some kind of problem at least let us know and if you don't want to share it then it's completely fine just type personal matters Or what ever but don't ignore me(>︿<。)

Miss_cRazy_Lover77 wassup you know what I really appreciate your imagination skills  it's really amazingJust wanna know when you gonna upload nextbtw I'm your new follower


@Miss_cRazy_Lover77 Umm....that's ur wish you can upload whichever u want I just love your all ffs so I'm okay okay with anything 


@Miss_cRazy_Lover77 aww thanks my angel and welcome here 
            can you tell me which one you want me to upload? 