I've been looking and researching other platforms where I can write my stuff and so far wattpad is as good as it's gonna get. Unless I want to write fanfiction and start and account on AO3, which I won't by all means ever do. Because I don't like fanfiction and I don't write fanfic unless it's an Austen related story. Sort of. DON'T GET ME WRONG. I don't hate fanfic, and I adore their writers because some of them have amazing potential, they just need to stop wasting it on fanfic and write something of their own creation, like I mean time to start creating your own world and your own characters because you have it in you, I'm rooting for you! This is not a total diss on fanfic writing. I just see all this potential being wasted on fanfic stuff when we could have new stories instead. And then, of course, there's cringeworthy fanfic out there. Well, I guess to each their own.