
It's been a while. But I'm sort of back. And again, writing another draft I may not publish or let other human beings read lol. Unless it gets finished and I feel good about it.


also thanks Sanditon, Sidlotte and Theo James for ruining my Austen world. Now I'm tempted to read what other ppl are writing in terms of alternative endings to that show. I loved Sandition but for sure know that Jane Austen would have never wrote a cliffhanger like that. Of course, they probably want to make a season 2 and then give Charlotte her happy ending or happily ever after. Also, any male character I want to use in my writing resembles Theo James because of Sanditon and Divergent. I want to steer clear but thanks for ruining my expectations Theo. He's amazing. Also rooting for Sidlotte. May that ship be endgame in s2 if there will ever be a s2 otherwise I might have to actually read fanfic of Sanditon. And that sounds scary.


well that story isn't going to write itself so I better get on it. Also, it has no title and no summary so I'm just gonna wing it. The title will eventually come to me I hope. I also am not good at names so I'm just going to use alphabet letters for now. And then find some good names later.


I've been looking and researching other platforms where I can write my stuff and so far wattpad is as good as it's gonna get. Unless I want to write fanfiction and start and account on AO3, which I won't by all means ever do. Because I don't like fanfiction and I don't write fanfic unless it's an Austen related story. Sort of. DON'T GET ME WRONG. I don't hate fanfic, and I adore their writers because some of them have amazing potential, they just need to stop wasting it on fanfic and write something of their own creation, like I mean time to start creating your own world and your own characters because you have it in you, I'm rooting for you! This is not a total diss on fanfic writing. I just see all this potential being wasted on fanfic stuff when we could have new stories instead. And then, of course, there's cringeworthy fanfic out there. Well, I guess to each their own.


Okay so I got this stupid story in my head that I want to start writing (it's probably never get finished lol) but it's also a cheesy kind of story and different from the major story I have been slaving away at in my mind. Yeah I still have to write it down hahaha. But this other story is sort of like a rom-com and super cheesy, well maybe not cheesy but I think it is. I just need to get this story out of my system so that I can work on the other one that is my beautiful hero baby in the making (ugh that sounds weird) Eh you know what I mean. My stories are my children. Okay I'm starting to sound absolutely crazy. I need to stop before I write something else stupid.


It also is a bummer that the target audience is 13-20 yr olds on this site. Hey don't get me wrong btw but for a 30-year-old it's hard to write a story that will get the attention of the other 30 somethings unless the story is complete adult content and is utter balderdash. It's not that I don't want to write young adult fiction, but I don't want to write young adult fiction (but I kinda also want them to like my stories too) And I don't want to write crappy adult-only fiction for adults looking for steamy romance novels either. So what do I do then? I really admire the author of the Divergent series. Veronica Roth is a year older than me, managed to write a whole series and scored with getting her books on the screen, plus it's young adult fiction but young adult ficion that even as an adult I absolutely still love. I guess it's just because it's my type of genre. I admire her. Like honestly, amazing writer. How can I ever do anything like that? Where are my stories? I want to succeed like her. Veronica teach me your ways. Anyway yeah enough rambling.


Here's the deal with NUMBERS. Numbers can be a great thing on this site, numbers are great for statistics and how a story can become popular. The more votes the better and the more ppl see those numbers the more subconsciously they will vote for the story even if they despise the story. Which leads to, drumroll, the downside of numbers. Are people just voting for quantity over quality? Pretty much. Are ppl sometimes prone to following the herd instead of the creator? UH YEAH. This is why so many writers that are amazing are struggling, their content isn't getting enough exposure. And anywhere you go, it's always about the popular vote and the huge following even if someone has a pretty generic cliche story. I want to find gems, not sparkly candy wrappers lying on the ground.