
We spent 2 weeks in greece, saving every euro out of feer we'll run out, we rented out a BNB of sorts for the second week but the first week was spent jumping between hotels and hoping we wont have to pack again. It washonestly a great trip but it sucks we took it for the reasons we did. On the last thursday of the trip I wanted to buy a braclet, 10 euro thats all it cost, I had the money but mom said no becuase ''we might need the money''.
          	The last week of the trip fell on school days and we had school online, I still have the notebooks we bought for them. It was surprisingly nice, having school online in greece, I liked it there, but altimetly the reason we were there sucked the fun out of everything.
          	Linked below is a playlist I made out of songs I heard while I was on the trip and a photo taken by my classmates of stickers with the names, photoes and quotes of a few people who died during the war will be posted in my book ''school life in israel''. May whatever diety you belive in be with you during these harsh times.
          	This playlist contains exactly 100 songs all of which I listened to on my trip, the photo on the playlist is one of me and my sister with a random cat we fund on our trip to Germany before the war started


@ kitty4chan  im back home now, its relitivly safe, seeing as most people have bomb shelters/ maimads (as they are called in hebrew) in their houses, workplaces and schools. We have protocall for this and in my city we get a full minute to get into the safe rooms


          	  Where are you now then, may I ask, and I hope it's safe there


@ kitty4chan  i am, but its still importent for people to learn about these things


We spent 2 weeks in greece, saving every euro out of feer we'll run out, we rented out a BNB of sorts for the second week but the first week was spent jumping between hotels and hoping we wont have to pack again. It washonestly a great trip but it sucks we took it for the reasons we did. On the last thursday of the trip I wanted to buy a braclet, 10 euro thats all it cost, I had the money but mom said no becuase ''we might need the money''.
          The last week of the trip fell on school days and we had school online, I still have the notebooks we bought for them. It was surprisingly nice, having school online in greece, I liked it there, but altimetly the reason we were there sucked the fun out of everything.
          Linked below is a playlist I made out of songs I heard while I was on the trip and a photo taken by my classmates of stickers with the names, photoes and quotes of a few people who died during the war will be posted in my book ''school life in israel''. May whatever diety you belive in be with you during these harsh times.
          This playlist contains exactly 100 songs all of which I listened to on my trip, the photo on the playlist is one of me and my sister with a random cat we fund on our trip to Germany before the war started


@ kitty4chan  im back home now, its relitivly safe, seeing as most people have bomb shelters/ maimads (as they are called in hebrew) in their houses, workplaces and schools. We have protocall for this and in my city we get a full minute to get into the safe rooms


            Where are you now then, may I ask, and I hope it's safe there


@ kitty4chan  i am, but its still importent for people to learn about these things


We spent the night there, in the airport hallway, with strong lights that never dimmed making it hard to sleep and a few alarms interupting our peace and scaring my sisters and younger cusins, I didnt sleep that night as well. Eventually on the early morning of the 8th of October we borded our flight, my mum, my dad, my uncle and aunt, my sisters and cusins, my grandma, all bording, I held my gift to my best friend, a racoon hat, close to me, my flight was spent re-watching season 3 of checkout on the T.V on the back of the seat infront of me and eating snacks.


They turned the T.V on after they locked the door, the voices of reporters talking about the Nova party blared through the room, now I was scared, I didnt know what was happening around me, before I knew it was 8 or 9 AM, I cant remember the time, and my parents woke me up telling me to pack my bag becuase we're going to our cusins and we might be staying over, I got some books, flip-flopsand some clothes and we left. We havn't even taken our suitcases out of the car yet so they were still there when we drove to my cusins, who still lived in Nordia at the time. I cant remember what happend to our dogs since they werent with us but I think they were in a doggie daycare  when we left for Germany so my parents booked them to stay there a few more days. We arrived an hour later and our parents imidietly put us in the safe room which was a good idea seeing as an alarm rang right as we went in, or a bit after, my memory is a bit blurry, jokes were exchanged, stories from the little time we spent apart, I talked to my odest cusin who is just a year younger then me and before i knew it we were at the airport with tickets to greece for a flight leaving that night, we were fleeding the country. Escaping the war and leaving everything behind until things got a tad bit safer.


Today, 365 days ago, a war started in my country, there are people who say we are the bad guys, I dont listen to them, becuase I know my country and we arent like that. There are people out there that will think I'm evil or think killing me would be a deed good eanough to get them into heaven just becuase of my religion and the country i live in but theyare wrong, I'm just a random, normal person, I have a life, friends, family, a lover, and there are thousends of people like me who's live where cut short due to the people who think the things I said earlier in this messege. So I thought I'd spill some light on this situation and share my story, and I encourege my fellow israely wattpad users to do the same. This story will be posted in 5 parts
          On the 6th of October, at around 10 PM my family and I went back home on a plane from Germany, we came back home on the 7th at 2 or 3 AM after a long flight, my parents told us to go to sleep but I didnt listen, I thought it would be a regular night, I'd stay awake, reading, then sleep all afternoon, it was holiday after all so I'd have no school that day at all, but little did I know that was the first of two sleepless nights I'd have to spend awake, at 6:35 AM, the alarms rang waking me from my bearly awake state, my parents rushed us downstairs to our safe room, I wasnt scared, we get missle once every 2 months or so and I was at that age where it didnt matter anymore, but my sisters were scared and so were my parents.


            Haven't people learnt there lesson, sorry to hear that T~T


@ kitty4chan  im from israel, and this is more than just politics, id say more but its way past my bedtime and ive gotta be at school early tomorow, gn


@kitty4chan wait are you from Israel? Or somewhere else? Sorry I don't keep up much with politics and stuff-


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@ random7210  awww


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you thinks deserves all the love in the world
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          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you thinks deserves all the love in the world
          If you get...
          1 back= Your Loved
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          5 Back= Your one of the most Lovable people out there
          9 Back Wow I'm Jealous
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart