@HaianhNguyen218 okay to answer all your questions so far 1: hello, 2: I’m not sure about that if I can find similar moments in the show that can correspond to the suppression then maybe I have (Y/N) tell a story about it., 3: Yes I am okay, 4: hi again, 5: only if you have the book of the abnormality and are at a moment of high emotion can you summon the abnormality out of the book into the world i had to think of a way to get them since we are doing library as well and all abnormalities ares books in that game so it was the best I could think of at the moment, And 6: I’m not sure that kinda a hard game to add due to how the game updates and how the game works but if people want it I’ll try to think of a way to add it but I’ll add it after canton 6 if people want it in the story.