
Thank you! That was such a nice message! You're welcome, too! I'm glad you follow me on ao3 cause I have many more stories there. Wattpad just isn't for me.


@kittyface27 I love all of your books!! Especially the ones with ALS and Whitebeard, I look forward to what you come up with next!!


@kittyface27  i love it every time you make a story with the asl and whitebeard characters i love your stories pls make more asl and whitebeard stories


Que onda!, están muy buenas tus historias ✌las estoy traduciendo.... así que! Se miran muy buenas! Tardaremos traduciendo... Pero valdrá la pena! e visto que ya no as actualizado jejeje tus historias están ufff! Espero nueva actualización! O nueva historia! No importa me la voy a leer Jajaja aunque no me guste la temática Dahahahahahahaha! Yo solo vine por one Piece! Espero tus actualizaciones, lo escribiría en inglés pero... Me dio flojera si yo puedo traducir tus historias porque tu no mi mensaje? JAJAJAJA! Nos vemos! Actualiza 


I really like your stories and the way you tell a story. You are the reason that made me download the Wattpad application. I have an idea for a story, but I am not good at narrating. So I will give you the idea. If you like it, you can write it and that’s okay. Your stories are still the best. Well, the story talks about Luffy, who is 7 years old and finds a watch in his room. Down Island, and when he pressed the watch, he moved back in time and returned to Roger's time, specifically the war between Roger and Whitebeard. It turned out that this watch can make Luffy go to any time he wants. He will stay with Roger, but he will change his time, trying to return to the present. What do you think? The idea has been in my head for a long time. If you like it, write it and thank you for your time


Hello! I am a new reader who's come across your One Piece works and has fallen in love with them. They're amazing and my favorites are the Broken but Loved trilogy, Family and FAS, and Love Between the Living and Dead.
          I dwaddle too much on what-if's and various scenarios for random things, and one that's been really eating me out is doing a quick crossover fanfic where various One Piece AU's meet each other. I want to ask for your permission to use a few of your characters from your One Piece AU's in my crossover? Full credit to you, ofcourse.
          - DylynTheUnoriginal
          P.S. My top favorites are tied between Love Between the Living and Dead (LBLD) and Broken but Loved (BBL) trilogy, so i'll probably focus on those two the most if you accept my offer. 
          As I was reading BBL, I realized that my One Piece OC and the Luffy in this story have major similarities! A few examples include major scars all over their bodies, a single glass eye, traumatic pasts (both differ, though), and more. If you accept my offer, I was wondering if I could have BBL Luffy and my OC meet? How would BBL Luffy react to meeting someone similar to him?
          TL;DR: Wondering if i could use some of your one piece au characters in a fanfic i wish to write? plus maybe have BBL Luffy meet my oc?


@dylyntheunoriginal what's easiest for you? I'm usually on my computer so wattpad or instagram would work.


@kittyface27 hello! Yes, I’ll PM you but I can’t at the moment. What platform would you want to talk on?


@dylyntheunoriginal Hi, I'm glad you like my stories! Would you be using BBL Luffy exclusively with his past I made? About how he got his wounds and trauma and such? I'd like some more information before accepting or declining. You can PM me if you don't want people to see your ideas on the profile.