I want to talk about how Zayn has quit One Direction.
I am really upset about this. I actually started crying in the middle of class when I heard about it. But I am not so upset that I will join this twitter page #cut4zayn. Do not cut yourself. I did and I got scared. One of my friends cuts herself and she cut deep enough to have to go to the hospital. When my mom found out, she felt worse than I did. She thought that it was her fault that I was cutting myself and she felt like she failed as a mother because she didn't notice.
But out of everything that happened, I came to realize that cutting yourself doesnt just hurt you, but it hurts those who love you, whether you see that they love you or not, it's not worth it.
And if your a 1D fan who does cut because Zayn quit 1D, then you're not a real fan. I'm sorry if that insults you but think about it. If you were a true fan, you would accept that Zayn has decided to leave. You wouldn't accept it happily, you (like me) would cry when you hear and want to cry all night but you would accept it. You wouldn't want to cut yourself in hopes of guilting him back into the band.
He might come back to the band. He might not have quit for good. He could just be taking a needed brake. Hold onto that hope and remember the first time you heard of them, the first song you heard by them, the first time you googled them. Remember those feelings and don't ever forget. For those of you who are reading this and is a One Direction fan, if you accept Zayn leaving, whether it's easily or with lots of crying, write 1.12.93 and 3.25.15 under it on your wrist. If you have scars from past cutting, do me a favor and write these dates over your scars to show that you care enough about the band and yourself to not cut.
Do it for Zayn.