
I will be going on hiatus on April 29th, and will not be writing for roughly 2 years. I will try to at least publish the 23rd chapter of The Death of Myamer before I leave. Kiwisandwitchesmeow will return. 


Hello, I just wanted to send out a bit of notice beforehand, I will be going an a hiatus soon, and will not be writing on any of my stories for a couple years. The hiatus is not yet, but is coming up soon. I will let you know before I officially go on hiatus. 


I've recently started writing a new story titled: The Death of Myamer. This story is about the death of Myamer the prince of the Kingdom of Harare and how Ched, a commoner must learn how to be a prince so he can pretend to be Myamer. This story is not a cat dragon story like most of my others, but a fiction story in a world without magic with occasional pop of advanced technology. I hope you love the story and world I have come up with.


I added an Introduction to all my Flerae stories. This helps explain some things to make my stories make more sense. The introduction is the same for all my stories. The intro is short and to the point. If you like my stories, I suggest you take a look at it.


This is Kiwisandwhitchesmeow2. My account logged me out and told me that I needed to change my password in order to log in. The gmail account that I had in place to change my password was an old school one that had been deleted, so I created a new account. Please don't think I'm copying someone else's work, because I'm not.