
Feels so good to be back, I haven’t given up on my other works but I really got inspired to write a new one in the meantime. An Empress’s Tale Part One is up, and I’ll be publishing Part Two later tonight. 


Feels so good to be back, I haven’t given up on my other works but I really got inspired to write a new one in the meantime. An Empress’s Tale Part One is up, and I’ll be publishing Part Two later tonight. 


Hey loves, sorry I disappeared out of the blue once again but I can’t lie my passion for writing hasn’t been there for a while and I hate it, I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t felt inspired or what but hopefully that spark will come back soon. In other news my sister messed up my laptop and it stopped working completely and I won’t be getting another until Christmas but I’ll find other ways to write. I hope you all are doing okay and I’ll get you guys an update soon but don’t hold your breath lol. 


Hi, my loves, so I know I said updates would be coming soon, but I'm in my last week of school for the Spring semester, and I'm trying to focus on getting everything done. Aside from that, I'm sure you all are aware of the horrific demise of George Floyd and the protest that have followed. These past two weeks, my emotions have been all over the place fluctuating from anger, sadness to even joy some days, but altogether I am just really tired of this happening to my people, and it has weighed heavily on my mind and heart. I feel like this time is different though, seeing not only the nation but people around the globe coming together as one to fight for equality, let's me know that our cries are being heard, and we aren't fighting this alone, which brings tears to my eyes. With that being said, I will be taking a step back from Wattpad to do my part, making sure these issues are no longer overlooked and to also focus on my well being because we've been dealing with a lot this year, first COVID now this?! I am done emotionally, drained mentally, and feel dead spiritually. I don't want to upset anyone, but please respect my decision and do the same taking care of yourself. I don't know how long this hiatus will be but just know I'll be back, I love you guys. 
          -Nabe ❤️