
          	This announcement is made to inform you that there is a GOT7 Story Awards at the moment and I would like to invite you to enter! It you want your story in or nominate one, this is the perfect opportunity if you want to be recognized for your work. Don't pass this opportunity since they are dedicating this to underrated writers! For more information, please communicate with the founder Lydia ( @-XINGMISMT ). I hope you guys join the awards!


          This announcement is made to inform you that there is a GOT7 Story Awards at the moment and I would like to invite you to enter! It you want your story in or nominate one, this is the perfect opportunity if you want to be recognized for your work. Don't pass this opportunity since they are dedicating this to underrated writers! For more information, please communicate with the founder Lydia ( @-XINGMISMT ). I hope you guys join the awards!


Atención mis queridxs ahgases! 
          La razón por este anuncio es porque hay gente preciosa que están haciendo un concurso para historias de GOT7! Quiero invitar a mi gente hispana a unirse en este querido concurso. Es en Inglés pero también aceptan historias en Español, así que no pasen este linda oportunidad que su libro tengo el reconocimiento que debe de tener por todo su esfuerzo. Y si quieres nominar a una historia, también puedes! Para más información, comunicate con Lydia ( @-XINGMISMT ). Espero que ustedes sean parte de este concurso!