This is to the people who have read my books: Finally In Love Again and My Heart Screams. I have deleted these books for a personal reason. The character Nick in both of the books use to be my boyfriend. And now that my father has found out I have broken up with him because of Nick controlling me and more. I do not feel anymore love from anything. Love wasn't real for's dead......I am sorry to delete these books even though nobody has not comment of vote for them. And to the people who are in love truly and honestly I simply say......have a great life with your lover and never give up. Goodbye..
I'm so sorry that I haven't been on for a long time. I'm so sowwy. Pls forgive. Anyways I have news. Through the past months I have a bf. And the book "Finally In Love Again" he's in there. Of course (Nick). Travis and I have move on to being just bestfriends an baes. Oh and I might be making a new book. Depends on what ideas I get in my mind. But pls read a little of my books! Thanks!
Hey guys I'm sorry I've been gone for awhile. I'm sure ur ready for me to upload True Me. And I will soon! Test and training have been taking me up for awhile but I'll be back I promise!!!