Breath it in because this isn't going to last forever. We're not gonna be obsessed teenage girls forever. One day we're gonna log off social media for the very last time. We're gonna miss times like this so much. One day we'll grow up and pursue our dreams and maybe get married. Eventually 5sos will always be in the back of our minds, but won't be around anymore. They'll hang up the microphones one last time, do their last concert, make their last album. They're gonna get married and have kids and settle down and so will you. But don't take advantage of that right now because we're gonna miss times like these so much. We all say how much we miss fetus 5sos. Well in a few years we're gonna miss everything. We've watched the boys grow up in front of our eyes but we didn't realize we were growing up too. I've laughed, I've cried, I've spent too much money. But it was worth it. Every concert, everything. The crazy times of chasing a tour bus even not knowing if they were in it, but just to get a glimpse of the loves of your life. We all came together on here. We helped each other out, we were always there for someone. All we did was make dumb puns and stupid reaction pictures that were hilarious to us. Someday this is gonna end. So stop getting upset about who they are in a relationship with, and just love them. Because the boys aren't gonna be here forever. This will have to come to an end. Maybe 2 years, maybe 10, but "nothing lasts forever" and neither will this.