
My exams have just finished, they were the reasons I stopped writing for a while because my school put too much pressure on us to do more homework/revision, which sucks. But they're over now so I'm back to writing, planning the sequel and enjoying wattpad ^.^ (also I'm so into All Time Low right now)


My exams have just finished, they were the reasons I stopped writing for a while because my school put too much pressure on us to do more homework/revision, which sucks. But they're over now so I'm back to writing, planning the sequel and enjoying wattpad ^.^ (also I'm so into All Time Low right now)


So I haven't updated yesterday, truth is I can't. I may have spilled tea on my laptop and the keys won't work so I can't type in my password…………… oops. My mum won't let me get it fixed until I 'fix my grades' but they're fine idk but just a little heads up I might have to get a new laptop so everything I've written is gone. -.-