
hey! pss your attention please! I've got a new fanfic out starring my lovely OC and Theseus Scamander from the fantastic beast series. The chapters will start rolling out and I would love it if you would show it some love! The first act will follow my own storyline that i have worked hard on creating!


Hey, I love Long Story Short so much, and I was wondering when you are going to start publishing chapters again???


well, ive been really busy with life and ive been stuck on the next chapter for like 2 months but honestly this has motivated me to refine the chapter. lol you'll get it in 3 hours. im honestly gonna dedicate the chapter to u. everyone say thank you @gwennybug


Hi! Your book Long story short is amazing and it gave me the final push to release my own book that is called "We Got Lots of History". I would love it if you could check it out. And I was wondering of you could give me any tips to make my already released books more popular. It has been quite hard to motivate myself to continue writing once I saw that I was lacking in views. I know that I must stay patient but your advice could be helpful. Thank you in advance!!!


@AnxiousJellyFish omg I feel so honoured to have inspired you to write your own book! that's literally all I could ask for. If you want your book to be more popular especially in the first few stages I suggest making your book as asethetically pleasing as possible. That's what draws in a lot of readers especially when you don't have many chapters. Also I say look for writing techniques that your favourite authors have, improving chapters from the first edit, writing a hook at the start, anything to drawn your readers in. Otherwise, I'd say be motivated that you're going to gain views, especially when there aren't many books within smaller tags. A lot of stories that have 100k views have been around for years, and i mean years.