
hi everyone. hereā€™s the long post i promised. 
          	i want to talk about a couple different topics, so if you read this all, thank you. 
          	firstly, i want to talk about the fact that iā€™m a part of a did system, and what that means. 
          	DID, or dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder), is a disorder where someone has separate identies (or ā€œpersonalitiesā€, though i dislike that term as it isnā€™t nuanced enough in the context of being a system).
          	the term ā€œsystemā€ is just used to name all the alters in one body. i wonā€™t be phrasing it as if the alters in our system are MY alters, because i donā€™t own them. theyā€™re their own individuals. 
          	iā€™m not going to explain the entire disorder because thatā€™d take too long for this post, but if you have questions, you can comment them or look them up online. 
          	with that being said, iā€™m not the author behind koothusiast. that was our last host, and theyā€™re dormant. they have been since 2021. 
          	(1/?. check replies for more)


to wrap things up, iā€™m probably going to completely rebrand this account so it fits my style more, so it might change up a bit, but iā€™ll be publishing a chapter of a book i already wrote a while back tonight once thatā€™s done, so look out for that. 
          	  thank you to those who choose to continue supporting this account, despite me not being who you came to know back from 2018-2020. 


for a long time, i didnā€™t know i was someone else, iā€™m not sure i realized until 2022 despite us finding out weā€™re a system in late 2021. this had to do with heavy masking that weā€™re still trying to unlearn, so if i sound similar to them, thatā€™s why. itā€™s hard for us to unmask and act the way we feel is right for each of us. 
          	  i know knowing this might be weird to think about for people who enjoyed koothusiastā€™s works, and thatā€™s understandable, but i thought iā€™d come on here and make it known that that isnā€™t me. 
          	  this plays especially into my next point about my own writing, since i also enjoy writing. 
          	  if i was to write, some of the people following this account might not enjoy the type of content iā€™m going to post. 
          	  koothusiast was a straight ā€œgirlā€, (quotations because iā€™m not sure of how they identified before they went dormant, but i know they were straight), and iā€™m a gay man. 
          	  iā€™m not interested in heterosexual stories, reading them or writing them, and i wonā€™t be continuing that from where they left off. any book i publish is only going to be about gay characters, so if youā€™re not interested in that, feel free to unfollow. 
          	  if you are, thereā€™s a few things i want to say, specifically to straight girls/women who may decide to. my books arenā€™t restricted to only one gender or sexuality, anyone can read them of course, but i do not tolerate the fetishization of gay men. 
          	  if youā€™re only reading content about gay men and you refuse to read heterosexual/lesbian content, i find that concerning, and my books arenā€™t for you. 
          	  i do not support women who only read and fantasize about gay men, as well as infantilize/hypersexualize them. if that sounds like you, you arenā€™t welcome on this account, flat out. 
          	  if youā€™re simply interested in the storyline and youā€™re a genuine supporter of ALL lgbtq content, youā€™re welcome to stay, but if you step out of line, for example in a comment if you comment one, iā€™m not going to hesitate to call you out.


hi everyone. hereā€™s the long post i promised. 
          i want to talk about a couple different topics, so if you read this all, thank you. 
          firstly, i want to talk about the fact that iā€™m a part of a did system, and what that means. 
          DID, or dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder), is a disorder where someone has separate identies (or ā€œpersonalitiesā€, though i dislike that term as it isnā€™t nuanced enough in the context of being a system).
          the term ā€œsystemā€ is just used to name all the alters in one body. i wonā€™t be phrasing it as if the alters in our system are MY alters, because i donā€™t own them. theyā€™re their own individuals. 
          iā€™m not going to explain the entire disorder because thatā€™d take too long for this post, but if you have questions, you can comment them or look them up online. 
          with that being said, iā€™m not the author behind koothusiast. that was our last host, and theyā€™re dormant. they have been since 2021. 
          (1/?. check replies for more)


to wrap things up, iā€™m probably going to completely rebrand this account so it fits my style more, so it might change up a bit, but iā€™ll be publishing a chapter of a book i already wrote a while back tonight once thatā€™s done, so look out for that. 
            thank you to those who choose to continue supporting this account, despite me not being who you came to know back from 2018-2020. 


for a long time, i didnā€™t know i was someone else, iā€™m not sure i realized until 2022 despite us finding out weā€™re a system in late 2021. this had to do with heavy masking that weā€™re still trying to unlearn, so if i sound similar to them, thatā€™s why. itā€™s hard for us to unmask and act the way we feel is right for each of us. 
            i know knowing this might be weird to think about for people who enjoyed koothusiastā€™s works, and thatā€™s understandable, but i thought iā€™d come on here and make it known that that isnā€™t me. 
            this plays especially into my next point about my own writing, since i also enjoy writing. 
            if i was to write, some of the people following this account might not enjoy the type of content iā€™m going to post. 
            koothusiast was a straight ā€œgirlā€, (quotations because iā€™m not sure of how they identified before they went dormant, but i know they were straight), and iā€™m a gay man. 
            iā€™m not interested in heterosexual stories, reading them or writing them, and i wonā€™t be continuing that from where they left off. any book i publish is only going to be about gay characters, so if youā€™re not interested in that, feel free to unfollow. 
            if you are, thereā€™s a few things i want to say, specifically to straight girls/women who may decide to. my books arenā€™t restricted to only one gender or sexuality, anyone can read them of course, but i do not tolerate the fetishization of gay men. 
            if youā€™re only reading content about gay men and you refuse to read heterosexual/lesbian content, i find that concerning, and my books arenā€™t for you. 
            i do not support women who only read and fantasize about gay men, as well as infantilize/hypersexualize them. if that sounds like you, you arenā€™t welcome on this account, flat out. 
            if youā€™re simply interested in the storyline and youā€™re a genuine supporter of ALL lgbtq content, youā€™re welcome to stay, but if you step out of line, for example in a comment if you comment one, iā€™m not going to hesitate to call you out.


hi to anyone who sees this. iā€™m koothusiast, if you can remember me, since itā€™s been so long. 
          i miss writing, and i want to come back, but i donā€™t know how. 
          iā€™m gonna make a longer in depth post in maybe an hour about a lot of different things, just to catch my followers up, so look out for that, but to those who still remember me, thank you, and hopefully someday i can come back to writing like before.