Hey! So the book I'm writing "That Cafe Girl" has started to bore me so I'm deleting it. I've deleted another book before but yeah... Just not enjoying writing it. Sorry!
@xomicronx VAAATTTTTTTTT????? KENISHA NAUTIYAL THIS IS SPARTA.... CORRECTION- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. (*_*) (~_~) ('_') *sob* well if u have to anyway start a new book cuz I rely like ur writing! :p
Hey! So the book I'm writing "That Cafe Girl" has started to bore me so I'm deleting it. I've deleted another book before but yeah... Just not enjoying writing it. Sorry!
Hi my friends so I want to join a fandom because I am bored a lot and want some thing to enjoy. So I would like it if you would offer me ones I would like to join. I do not have to had read, watched or even heard of it yet but I can catch up. Thanks! And what are we doing for CL next week