
Hey guys question should i do a rewrite on my story. If your curious check its @alexmason125 


@klexluther haven't gotten around to reading them all but its pretty good


@K0rts1 sure and what do you think about my old work


@klexluther how about "undoing what is already been done" i've just started reading that one


@klexluther hey dude if possible can you respond to this message because I think you might like this.
          If youā€™re not planning on adding the multi-verse mainly because of the amount of female star in at 10 this is an idea maybe you can make a Nother story basically thatā€™s based on the multi-verse version instead I just think it would be interesting it like that one would be for whatever you get better at writing because he did say that youā€™re not the best at it at most.
          The reason why Iā€™m saying this is because I was thinking that perhaps brown while he was working for the alliance he had this one chip in side of his head is called the improbability drive and while it allows you to control reality itself basically heā€™s the strongest being even stronger than a titan if you truly want it to be but what does he do with it he uses it for zone personal gain he doesnā€™t use it to get stronger he uses it for cookies and other stuff like that as he has an obsession with cookies.


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But another thing about that is the scientist knows about that I need to try and make an alliance to help him beat wars and that but Brandt said he doesnā€™t like being used to face off against others the closest thing he can do is that he can help him out in very dire needs but if it seems like heā€™s doing very very well and heā€™s not about to lose like millions of soldiers he will come in and eat them pretty much basically what I mean by that is from the current episode we have take that for example and be with him almost getting killed in those type of situation.
            Or maybe he just helps whenever he feels like it one of those two options and if he did there would be consequences but they wonā€™t be like horrifyingly dangerous ones like that will result in the death of people he knows.
            The scientist quickly learned that he keeps to himself a lot he visits the area even though thereā€™s some toilets like Leo and I forgot that one purple haired girl toilet they have tried to kill him before the scientist had to kind of intervene as he is very much scared of brown like heā€™s scared of him more than clock titan much more considerate you do the same thing as clock titan but hole bigger scale.
            What makes this worse is that he is so strong to not even clock titan can see the future with him like if he is going to kill her she can I see the future of that because heā€™s the one whoā€™s causing it heā€™s that strong and also because his reality pending is warping her ability but he messes with the alliance a lot as well even after all they did to him he doesnā€™t really care at all he just cares about chilling and eating cookies as long as you donā€™t mess with him or make him angry youā€™re fine.
            But he does believe in equal combat so if heā€™s fighting a titan he will turn into the size and give himself his stop sign.


@klexluther dude this is a major question I have for you though with the new episode coming out whatā€™s your thoughts about the TV race as theyā€™ve basically showed their true colors are you sure theyā€™re not selfish.
          Because by the way they acted it sounds like they want all the power itā€™s like theyā€™re afraid of being betrayed but to be honest with brown in my idea they should be afraid as brown generally wants them all dead but then again thatā€™s their own fault can they really blame brown for choosing Technology over a life because I can actually see in the past whenever a TV man was allegedly trapped under the rubble holding some sort of device he holds clearly looking at it grabs it from his hand and runs away which hereā€™s a thing the TV race cannot even talk back about brown leaving a TV man there as they have done the same thing it shows brown cares much more about technology than the TV race even though he saved cameramen and Speaker men heā€™s never saved a TV person before would probably rather save a gun before TV person.


To be honest it actually goes so far he would probably kill a toilet before saving a TV person basically think of anything else he could would do and he would do something completely different like the last thing he would ever do to save a TV manā€™s life as in his mind theyā€™re all the same like losing one person is only losing one person of man power losing a single TV personal wouldnā€™t do much to the rankings really as they donā€™t save cameramen they donā€™t save speakermen seems like
            It makes brown wonder on why were they truly created if they donā€™t do their freaking job basically like a cameramen cameramen have unique traits unlike TV men who are all the same thatā€™s basically what Iā€™m trying to say here he sees cameramen as the superior race along with the speaker race.
            Brown sees the TV race as erase they couldā€™ve lived without sure they mightā€™ve suffered more casualties but if it was so he doesnā€™t have to see the stupid screen he wouldā€™ve definitely taken his chances he hates him that much he rather take the chance.


@klexluther hey dude itā€™s been a while I just wanted to ask you did you get any of my messages my two new messages is one mainly curious about but whatā€™s your thoughts on the videos.
          I am talking about discord by the way.
          Oh yeah by the way just wanted to make one with the TV race like even if they do try and save brown I feel like brown will actually kill them itā€™s that bad itā€™s best for them to just stay away from brown in general as any type of contact with him is most likely certain death only reason why TV woman actually survived Brownā€™s encounter letā€™s just say is because Iā€™m not too sure if she had that pink screen on but letā€™s just say thatā€™s the reason why because letā€™s just say thatā€™s supposed to calm down alliance members thatā€™s the only reason why she survived Brown as she is nowhere near capable of actually defending herself from what Brown has in mind.


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@klexluther OK well Iā€™m glad that you responded thatā€™s all Iā€™m happy for but you hope you like my idea because whatā€™s the newest episode let me ask you this in my version of the story do you really think Brown would take any crap from any TV man to be honest if I know brown in my version of the series or whatever he would just probably let his anger get the best of him and literally kill them like to be honest he think basically think of it like that Brown is basically a TV man and the TVs are the cameraman he doesnā€™t see any use for the TV race he only sees them as nothing more than scientists in general.
            Brown doesnā€™t see them as actually fighters he season more like scientists and thatā€™s all they are to him in his eyes he sees it as just harmless cowards pretty much he doesnā€™t take the TV is generally seriously cannot even TV woman or the Titan their race the only reason why they are as strong as they are is because they donā€™t share their technology with the others.
            Thatā€™s the only reason why theyā€™re strong like any other race couldā€™ve surpassed the TV man every single one even the camera race if they showed them their technology cameramen couldā€™ve easily surpass them if they gave them that knowledge they have.
            And to be honest I can see Brown basically knowing that if they did give up the technology there wouldnā€™t be much used for them which Brown would definitely agree that if they didnā€™t give up that technology he would actually go out of his way to kill them all as generally only sees them useful because of their technology nothing more he doesnā€™t see them as real people or alliance members who deserve to live basically youā€™re gonna have a react to what their version of brand generally thinks of each race as Thoughts on the TV race is just absolutely disgusting some people would even call it cruel on the things he says


@nathaneskell sorry for the lack of reply on my part


@klexluther hey dude I just wanted to ask you if you have started working on the story.
          Hey dude you donā€™t have to write this down because I already did just wanted to throw that out there.
          But I can actually see you basically doing something with brown as Homelander like pretty much I can see whenever his team dies out a type of laser from his camera and started to delete every toilet in the proximity and his lasers are much more powerful as it comes through them like butter.
          And even if he was working with the new team he did not like him as no one can hold a candle to his last allies especially after he was left behind that just made his hatred towards anyone in the alliance much more so much to the point where his son actually didnā€™t follow his orders he would literally just laser if you were part of the alliance or not.


@klexluther hey dude I just wanted to mention that Iā€™m going to stop sending you Messages to the Discord until you respond to them just wanted to say that because thereā€™s a lot of them there.
          Also this is something else I just want to say that I can actually see Brown basically saying that he doesnā€™t want to work with a alliance who self sabotages which obviously they wouldnā€™t understand what he means by that.
          This is whenever he throws out a very hard fact because the allies have been self sabotaging themselves a lot
          So he says this this could also be in a Q&A with Brown just stating facts about the alliance and some other things that could easily change the game for either side but this is just something he would prefer that he just says in his head like you wanna see it straight out to the alliance as they wouldnā€™t listen to him I can see these being past tapes of brown.


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t ever use alliance weapons at all or I rarely do thatā€™s why you never see me use alliance weapons.
            But why didnā€™t you look into it further or you couldā€™ve given the technology to the Titans
            As for plunger she would probably actually be in the top five because every decision sheā€™s ever made was just makes me wonder does she even think because one time Iā€™ve seen her walk to toilets thatā€™s like 50 times her size why are you going to do like did you come up with a plan while walking over there of course you didnā€™t because all you had was a plunger.
            Youā€™re the type of person who would just go and fight and even keep fighting even though youā€™re supposed to retreat this is also a reason why on the battlefield and sometimes even in the HQ 
            I try to stay as far away from her as possible as at some point I feel like I even stand like a few meters near her Iā€™m going to get myself killed that way so I just try to stay as far away from her just to keep my own life intact


@klexluther I did also think of something else perhaps Brown says.
            Basically he says this well actually I did think of something else like I know you said to hold on or hold onto the brainstorming and that but this wouldnā€™t really be much of a reaction like at all except Brown basically this is in his own opinion on who he thinks are actually the dumbest people in the alliance
            Iā€™m going to only mention to that he would talk about which would be plunger and the engineers in general or the scientists.
            Basically he judges them on the person they gave the glitch toilet to
            By the way he wouldnā€™t be judging them based on their intelligent level because if so the scientists and engineers would be probably the top in intelligence but heā€™s basically talking about the acts theyā€™ve done
            So Brown basically says on how they gave the glitch toilet which is a wonder us piece of technology instead of further analyzing it trying to gain its powers they gave it to the most incompetent agent Iā€™ve ever seen plunger like seriously you gave it to the person who doesnā€™t think before she ask and surprisingly the toilet who had hurt and control survived longer than a day props for the app but still why give it to her and not further analyze it
            Couldā€™ve probably given the power to Anyone in the alliance if you wouldā€™ve a further experimented on it once cross your mind or did you just thought hey why donā€™t you put a control panel on the glitch toilet add some boosters and some weapons on it for plunger and then just give it to her.


But he says this that the alliance just self sabotage themselves so many times itā€™s ridiculous he says on how they leave The bodies or even possibly still alive camera or speaker man out on the battlefield just waiting to get taken by a toilet for who knows what possibly for a more weapon of grace do the smart thing take the bodies even if theyā€™re already deceased it will be better to take them back to base just in case if you can possibly fix them back to normal or use them youā€™re on the way itā€™s better than letting the enemy actually using them and no wonder why thereā€™s been so many mutants because they just leave Laura speaker men and a large cameraman bodies out to be used and no wonder why thereā€™s been so many deaths to both parties because no one ever decides to pick up the bodies so why do I want to be part of a team that self sabotages you might ask
            Thatā€™s very easy to say well is because where else would I go if I were to leave I mean if there were was another race I wouldā€™ve gladly of left to be there instead of here but there isnā€™t from what I know so Iā€™m stuck here with this self sabotaging alliance which to be honest sometimes it makes me tempted to just join the toilets


@klexluther hey dude this isnā€™t something I thought of but just something I wanted to say that perhaps
          Itā€™s kind of about the infection universe but there are two infected and itā€™s actually A large speaker man and brown
          But anyways this is just something I think they could react to as in like a random person making a video kind of on it I will keep it short for now
          So The speaker man basically gained a frown because of what happened with everyone basically because everyone or so many of his kind died because of the parasite Titan speaker woman and because of that he lost so many friends and he was depressed and he was still depressed at the losses because of it and it gave him a sad and depressed look pretty much
          As for brown his is way worse so the short version for now Iā€™m going to tell you whenever you wake up tomorrow and respond mainly because I want to catch up on the messages first but this is more of like a reminder
          So basically the reason why Brown has his look is because of the suffering he was going to basically his smile represents a fake one in reality he is very depressed but is very good at keeping a fake smile but his smile should be obvious but everyoneā€™s too scared of him to figure it out
          His stomach is basically gone because he wants to fill that empty void to feel something or someone so thatā€™s why he tries and eat the alliance members to feel something or someone which sounds weird but what do you expect from someone whoā€™s basically been rejected
          But what makes this worse is that itā€™s hard to tell if Brown is the bad guy or the angel in the situation he is as an infected as itā€™s going to be kind of hard for the alliance or even the toys to play good guy after figuring this out or this theory


So brown is what you say Brown has a condition with his head where he has interesting dreams or basically she basically has a problem a little bit with his head or he sleeps he sees weird things a little bit
            Because of him being blind heā€™s actually able to see whatā€™s happening around him but heā€™s completely unaware of what heā€™s doing basically Brown is very much conscious a little bit he just thinks he is in a heā€™s basically in a never ending loop of being in his own personal world and heā€™s actually happier here than he was with the alliance but on the outside whenever he goes to try and help a person in need that heā€™s looking at on the outside heā€™s ripping them apart and heā€™s unaware of what heā€™s doing but any person he tries and helps heā€™s unaware the person he is trying to help heā€™s ripping them apart limb by limb
            All Iā€™m trying to say is with this theory what would who is the bad guy in the situation is it the lions in toilets or would it be brown as heā€™s basically doing this against his will
            But what would be worse curing him of his problem or killing him because alleys with killing him he will die happy
            but if they cure him he will possibly go down a more depressed path than he already has which is hard to believe
            But my main question is if he was cured how would he feel would he go down to even more depressed path that he already has
            Which I think would make an amazing ending to the reaction part where at the end he looked at the girls and said why canā€™t you ever let me be happy then he walked away through some doors as he wouldā€™ve rather be dead than cured He is that broken.


Dude this is something I kind of just thought of a little bit once again this is just for me I know you said that you will be gone or so for like a month but this is mainly for me to just say just so it doesnā€™t bother me even though I know you wonā€™t respond because youā€™re gonna be gone but this is just for me to say
          So I could see something going on with brown basically being part of the toilets and all of the special agents to try to attack them which they do manage to take him down at some point but letā€™s just say they did actually experience some injuries none of them were really fatal but he held his own against special agents which toilets have a problem with even mutants
          So basically for sure well letā€™s just say all of them have lost have gained injuries so for sure one of the females who came to an injury is plunger which whenever she tried to punch brown he grabbed her hand tight held it there and then he punched her in one spot holding it causing her arm to be ripped off
          But behind him was TV woman who try to use her burning power which it did work on him but all that did was piss him off as he hates TV woman with a passion so much so that letā€™s just say kind of like in the multi-verse series his camera thing glow red and then headbutt her screen causing it to crack but that was all he punched her once then twice and then the third time were you heard something like break or snap which caused her to scream in pain as letā€™s just say that was her teleporting part not only that but he took her head off through her body to the side grabbed a plunger mace and was ready to smash her head and she couldnā€™t do anything about it as she was stepping on her head and he said who knows maybe in your next life you wonā€™t leave your friends to die he said as an insult and then he went and slammed the mace down until he got tackled by dark speaker woman


Dude did you see the new episode an old man and to be honest I had a feeling thereā€™s a chance that they were going to team up I just didnā€™t think so soon although I am curious will G-man actually use titan camera manā€™s body as his possible evulsion into a Titan if so Iā€™ll be very sad but also knowing that it might be their only way to defeat him who knows
          But either way it just got better although I am curious if youā€™re thinking about adding a possible female toilet or what people probably start calling her mommy mutant


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By the way if brown did make a tier list I can see you like this is basically like brown talking about all of the races or in general about every single version of the cameramen speakers TVs and raidioā€™s
          So it starts off with brown saying OK Iā€™m going to make a tier list here and He starts off with the normal cameramen he puts them in S tier The main reason why is because well basically do almost everything
          The large ones would be an S tier because of the same reason
          For the normal speakers he put them in B tear mainly because they were late to the war they lost so many soldiers he doesnā€™t know what took them so long but he doesnā€™t care he puts them in beat here and thatā€™s where theyā€™re staying
          The large speaker men kind of similar
          TV men he just put them in F tier and says FUCK THEM I think we wouldā€™ve been completely fine without them I donā€™t see them doing much of anything at all if not I feel like they just make it harder on us in general.
          Large TV man E tier what makes him different is that he have saved a lot of cameramen in the past and speakers but what made him be in this tear is the incident with the sunglasses were the start of toilets wearing them he just ran away which I understand thereā€™s certain people who would run away but Iā€™m not pointing any fingers cough cough lucky but anyways the toilets were slow Iā€™m sure he couldā€™ve grabbed some cameramen and teleport away but he chose not to even try to save them not even try so there we go


As for the toilets theyā€™re a mixture between F and S
            The scientist toilet is in F tear but the main reason why is because Brown start saying on how he doesnā€™t seem to think before the experiments he does on people or alliance members who knows one of those experiments my end horribly for him and might turn one of them into an unstoppable creature then the screen started to show the cookie virus Brown cameraman well theyā€™re being a little bit of a static but then he quickly got back to speaking by saying but thatā€™s the main reason why heā€™s an FTO that he can make a preacher that doesnā€™t care about the lives of either alliance members or toilets basically doing them all so thatā€™s why he stays here not out of hatred for him being a toilet on the enemy side just out of his lacking of thinking of the consequences of his actions.
            G-man in the background of the reaction thinking that thatā€™s fair in his mind although they did not want to see that cameraman again


now onto the special agents and Titans and the most superior race The radio men
            But before we get started I just need to put this handsome camera right here which itā€™s in its own tier called brown and itā€™s above all the others perfect
            OK to start off with lucky F tier to be honest can I make a new tier below F because I think she deserves something below that but anyways I havenā€™t seen or do much of anything during this war what are usually see her do is holding A picture of me or just fighting with plunger most men fighting I see her do
            By the way just so you know all of the females are in the same tier he just is throwing out all of his not only frustration but basically just saying on what he feels
            Although he made a special tear for let you see the TVs which he basically said one of the biggest insults he came up with
            So first he said that I would put them in F tier but thatā€™s not fair to the rest
            So he made a new one called Slut tier and basically heā€™s insulting them as well 90% of the time by saying on wouldnā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re dating elite cameraman but then again they would be perfect together
            Which I can already see them gagging at the thought of it and is tempted to just rip their TV from their head
            As for all the radios there an S tier while he puts another one thatā€™s called sexy and then he puts all of the radio females there
            After that he then started to start talking and saying well I hope the best for everyone even G-man except for these people showing the F tier and The other two TV females
            All I can say I bet theyā€™ve never been more humiliated in their life