
Hey guys! As you know, I wrote a fanfic representing my interpretation of what Season 5 of The 100 would be like in 2018 titled Reunion. Since finishing Reunion, we have discovered a few "spoilers" about Season 5 which has led me to have new thoughts/theories when it comes what the season will be like. With that being said, I have decided to write another fanfic with this new information. Thank you guys for you continued support! I am so shocked that this week we will be hitting 30k reads for Reunion! I never in a million years thought my story would grow that quickly. I hope I can continue to have your support as I attempt this new fanfic. I hope to have the first few chapters up by the end of this month so make sure to follow me to receive all of my updates. 
          	Thanks again!


Hi! It's been put on hold for now. My work load at school is a little more than I anticipated so I have not had time to focus on it. Maybe I'll have something soon... but no promises 


@klh2199 this comment was posted in august, I am writing to you almost exactly 1 month later and I am still awaiting ur book. I am in florida about to be hit with Irma and ur book would help keep me from going crazy. Let me know if you have any Info on the official airing date.


Hey I know I have commented you before saying that I'm a fan of your writing style, and I think you have some great ideas about season 5. I just posted my first story and would be so honored if you have a quick read and let me know what you think. It takes place only a couple months after Praimfaya, the fun part is that I have made Clarke a guy named Griffin and Bellamy a girl named Blake. I just thought it would be interesting and different to explore their characters in a different sex. I am not entirely convinced it is an interesting concept, but I'm excited about it. Anyway I hope you are having a nice day and thanks for your time! 
          Much love, 


Sure thing, Morgan! I'll try to check it out sometime over the weekend. Thanks for letting me know!! 


Hey guys! As you know, I wrote a fanfic representing my interpretation of what Season 5 of The 100 would be like in 2018 titled Reunion. Since finishing Reunion, we have discovered a few "spoilers" about Season 5 which has led me to have new thoughts/theories when it comes what the season will be like. With that being said, I have decided to write another fanfic with this new information. Thank you guys for you continued support! I am so shocked that this week we will be hitting 30k reads for Reunion! I never in a million years thought my story would grow that quickly. I hope I can continue to have your support as I attempt this new fanfic. I hope to have the first few chapters up by the end of this month so make sure to follow me to receive all of my updates. 
          Thanks again!


Hi! It's been put on hold for now. My work load at school is a little more than I anticipated so I have not had time to focus on it. Maybe I'll have something soon... but no promises 


@klh2199 this comment was posted in august, I am writing to you almost exactly 1 month later and I am still awaiting ur book. I am in florida about to be hit with Irma and ur book would help keep me from going crazy. Let me know if you have any Info on the official airing date.