
@Staphtheloser the way i snorted- ducking hell - alr two can play.
          	IMO, whoever gets your heart will be the luckiest, i swear.
          	 If only had i been born a miLleNial ago, ROFLLLLL.


@Staphtheloser well now i think im obliged to to do the same.
          	  You can call me ... nyx? Ig? I dont have too many letters in my name, so i cant get too creative (my full name only has ten letters).  As for my pronouns, i think you already know. 
          	  Tbh, ik you were a female from the beginning - is that too racist? 
          	  It was a gut feeling.
          	  Now that i've mentioned it... when did yk/guessed my gender identity?


@Staphtheloser yoooo- Jayyyyyy wassup man? Lmfaooo, now ik why those guys mistook you for a dude.


@Staphtheloser the way i snorted- ducking hell - alr two can play.
          IMO, whoever gets your heart will be the luckiest, i swear.
           If only had i been born a miLleNial ago, ROFLLLLL.


@Staphtheloser well now i think im obliged to to do the same.
            You can call me ... nyx? Ig? I dont have too many letters in my name, so i cant get too creative (my full name only has ten letters).  As for my pronouns, i think you already know. 
            Tbh, ik you were a female from the beginning - is that too racist? 
            It was a gut feeling.
            Now that i've mentioned it... when did yk/guessed my gender identity?


@Staphtheloser yoooo- Jayyyyyy wassup man? Lmfaooo, now ik why those guys mistook you for a dude.


@Staphtheloser well, introverts arent supposed to be talking so much either, unless they trust someone ;D


@Staphtheloser Agendas? Lol, i have a very functional sixth sense ... if you were planning smth, it wouldnt have lasted this long.
            So in other words, ive come to trust you ••• unless you hacked the server to get my IP address, then ig we've a problem :P


@Staphtheloser you serious!? Fr? Why me? Dgujkffykn-
          As much as I LOVE (by love, I mean being giddy and tingly all over) the comment, you haven't even seen any of my drafts. "Emotion complexities" - CRYEING- what makes you think that? I have to so much research (which ik I'll drop soon), besides you're a medical professional, yk better abt behavioral patterns and sentiments! Being experienced and all.
          Authentic? Crafty? Dude, what!? The least I can do is be solulu over my delulu mind.
          it's called being REALISTIC! Omfl- I cant bring it in me to continue/end a story. My inspos are sporadic bursts of energy.
          Admire? Me? UwU Atthjjihxhh- for the lack of a better phrase, this is equivalent to meeting THE tannies irl.
          What do you expect a fifteen-year-old to be like? Calm?
          im ded-
          i'll call you awesome anytime (cuz fax, no printer), only if you could stop being so self-degrading. 
          Clearly, someone didnt read my very first poetic(?) tryna-be-comforting-but-ends-up-being-philosophical-and-stupid-asf message.


@Staphtheloser you have a therapist- woooaaahhhh. Is it like one of the benefits you get being a nurse? 
            New Achievement Unlocked: Being admired by Grandma *sparkly eyes*
            Might as well add it to my college application.
            I'll take it. Tbh, it's not the first time I have been called wild (much worse, an alien by most- ded- and idek why)... but it sounds like a compliment from you, tee-hee.


@Staphtheloser oh cmon- if you've earned your way through this, you have to be smart. Besides what's a surgeon/doctor without a nurse? You can't run a hospital with just doctors now, can you? 
            I remember you telling me this, but that aint keeping me from relating- personally, i think you're awesome to be around :D
            Good 4 her, you took the high way - i could never with stabbers.


            What if those inspos are what someone is looking to read? Come on now, don't make me repeat myself. 
            Yes, I admire you and nobody can change that. 
            For a fifteen year old, you are pretty wild, I will give you that. Do you want to know how I was like when I was fifteen? Yeah, moody and alone. 
            You talk oddly similar to my therapist. 


@Staphtheloser why on earth are you texting, bruv- obviously it's fine!


@Staphtheloser 'the heartwarming thing' and my age are two different replies for your message.
            I felt so giggly when I read the 'I really want to. Hope you had a wonderful day!' UwU
            I (DO) have a wonderful day when you text.
            Your friends must be blind asf to not notice an angel Q-Q


@Staphtheloser that's so heart warming, but do you really not believe me (being a fifteen year old and all)? 
            INFPs are the rareEST, you kiddin'? That's a perfect mix of being kind and creative with a strong sense of justice. Omfl- to think you'll be so humble abt it.
            Being creative to annoy you is different! It's natural and first nature.
            ... when did I "assess and grade your English"?
            Like i told you, it's called being SELF AWARE!


            It's okay I feel fine now. 


          Apologies for the delayed response. I'm really sorry it took me this long to reply. I injured my finger last night while opening a glass ampoule, which left me with a deep laceration and a swollen, numb thumb. I had already prepared a chapter to be published, so i logged in only for posting it. I'm so sorry. 
          Don't worry about the deadline, though, I'm not good with those too so I think we make a great team!
          Your comment about ruining my story made me chuckle. Honestly, I think you will make an exceptional writer. Let's just say, it's because I appreciate your sense of humor?  Like i can deffo say that you can capture complexities of human emotions with ease, compared to me. Of course with your brilliant brain you would be able to craft stories that are authentic and relatable.
          I knew it! You call it dumb but I'm sure it was something mind blowing, like come one, who is the one being pessimistic here? Yah don't worry about such things. I had the same doubt when I started writing but i kept telling myself that i will get these stories off my chest even if no one reads it. Tbh, i admire you. You have this certain charm, a wild positivity that's really unique and something i haven't seen in anyone. I'm literally no one (both as a person and a writer) but id like to say that i admire you as a person.
          Ahaa this is the first time I ever heard you say i was awesome. I'm sorry i couldn't type long, my injured finger is being a menace.