
My latest story is a chronical of details regarding my YouTube/TikTok/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram ARG, The Grayson Luna Saga. It can be a little confusing. Therefore, if you're interested, the best place to start is that story. If you're interested in more social media info about the series, just reply to this post, comment on the story, or even direct message me. However you wanna ask is fine, scratch that, ENCOURAGED by me. Thank you.


The series in its original intended form has been cancelled, and I'm considering rebooting it in full written form with possible supplemental media in the form of images and such. This will likely be done on Tumblr, since I made a Tumblr page for the character of Grayson Luna over a year ago.


My latest story is a chronical of details regarding my YouTube/TikTok/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram ARG, The Grayson Luna Saga. It can be a little confusing. Therefore, if you're interested, the best place to start is that story. If you're interested in more social media info about the series, just reply to this post, comment on the story, or even direct message me. However you wanna ask is fine, scratch that, ENCOURAGED by me. Thank you.


The series in its original intended form has been cancelled, and I'm considering rebooting it in full written form with possible supplemental media in the form of images and such. This will likely be done on Tumblr, since I made a Tumblr page for the character of Grayson Luna over a year ago.


Updates have been made to all applicable stories. The Jyinkz Series is gonna undergo heavy rewriting from the ground up. The BioShock 2 fanfiction is on indefinite pause, awaiting rewriting in the same manner as The Jyinkz Series. The Faux Poe has been updated with yet another Faux Poe styled poem inspired by Assassin's Creed. I have three total original stories planned at the moment. One takes place in the universe of Delstraya, one takes place in the universe of Nilstra, and the last is heavily influenced by the Silent Hill series (the title "Graduation Day" and the main character's name "Donnie Maddens" has been worked out). Further planning is needed for all of these current projects. I also highly recommend some of you check out my "Online Authors discography" story if you enjoy my DeadDream lyrics. Slowly, but surely, I'll upload story parts with lyrics for either original or rewritten versions of these songs, if I can manage to find them


The majority of my stories are on pause. Brainstorming is going on for MANY different projects. Besides Wattpad, I'm focusing heavily on YouTube. Reply to this for a link to the playlist, or you can dm me for social media to contact me on with any questions


Hey guys, sorry to say that I'm going to be deleting my Death Note fanfiction, "Death Note Volume 2". Hopefully, it might be returning soon in another form, but it won't be like the story that you might've already read. I had every intention of seeing the story through to the end, but I've found that it has too many flaws and since I'm not that far in, I might as well nip it in the bud before I end up writing something that I'm just not satisfied with. I hope you'll understand


@kmiester555 not new. It's been on my profile for a couple years. I don't get why I would say something like that about a new one.


@kmiester555 wait are you writing a new one? I was almost caught up