
My self quarantine ends monday. I feel fine, crisis averted.
          	To celebrate, have a new series!


My self quarantine ends monday. I feel fine, crisis averted.
          To celebrate, have a new series!


Well..... I got tested positive for covid.
          I'm not in the demographic that would be high risk of dying, but if I get worse I might just post.... all of my unfinished stuff just in case. 
          So that sucks, but hey silver lining if you like my stuff right?


I've read all of your stories and I love them all! Keep on writing those amazing stories!


It isn't
            Your one of the few people I actually really like all the stories you write! All the other stories I read I usually find them ok or rather boring


Sorry I miss clicked. I also wanted to say that every complement helps keep me going more than anyone thinks. (Especially since it helps me convince myself that my writing isn't crap.) 


Hey everybody! Since people seemed a bit...... afraid of trying out my Scp foundation Rp, I have decided to make a pokemon RP instead. All are welcome!


XD I know you didn't mean to be passive aggressive but it came out that way. But it's all good fam. ^-^b


@knifeninja55 sorry not trying to be passive agressive.


It's okay though. I made one my friends will be more comfortable with.


Hello Wattpad! (Or at least the few people that follow me.)
          I will not be posting anything next week.
          (Not that I would have for sure posted knowing me.)
          For those that don't know I work the night shift at a plastic factory building car parts. In October the factory is shutting down.
          The factory is making all the employees work twelve hour shifts all next week to compensate. 
          Usually an eight hour shift is enough to burn me out so you can imagine how having four more hours will affect my story writing.
          I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. 


          That tournament in Sibling Survival was really good! just like the rest of the book is!
          And sorry for not introducing myself, im Arc! You'd know me as Brandan though.....
          And well....between school and stuff I might be able to help with ideas for that story when it comes to involving Brandan and Bri.
          Of course, im just offering help. either way, I look forward to any updates you do!


@Arc-and-Asri thanks for the compliment. I really am greatful for it and your offer for help. 