Omg guys! I just saw Avengers EndGame and I'm dying. I won't spoil any details but the movie was really good. When I was inside the movie theater, the whole place was FULL. Like my brother an I had to sit in different places just to get the good seats.
Hey! If you're interseted in Brothers Conflict stories, I am writing one right now. Do check it out when you have the time! It's named 'The Fifteenth'.
Omg guys! I just saw Avengers EndGame and I'm dying. I won't spoil any details but the movie was really good. When I was inside the movie theater, the whole place was FULL. Like my brother an I had to sit in different places just to get the good seats.
Yes I am, I just need to finish them. Later on I will publish new chapters. Later in the future I will edit them. So please wait. I have at least updated 2 books now.