
*     allie  requested  that  we  wake  up   &&  i  am  nothing  if not  attentive.   cb !!


/  do i ever talk about how much i love you


no need to get aggressive at me,  ass face.


this message may be offensive
NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @prphcyfrth :
            no  need  to  act  like  a  dumbass,   either.   {  in  a  true  big  brother's  bitchy  nature  diego  presses  against  klaus'  attitude  with  his  own,   mouth  twisted  into  a  firm  scowl.  }   you  pump  your  body  full  of  shit,   fine.   you  take  it  out  on  everyone  else ?    that's  when  you  make  it  our  issue.   how  many  times  do  we  have  to  have  this  conversation  before  you  get  that  through  your  thick  skull ?  


back off.  /now/.


this message may be offensive
NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @prphcyfrth :
            did  you  not  (see)  what  she  did,   klaus?    {  if  there's  anything  diego  hates  most  in  the  world,   it's  siding  with  luther.   he  can't  help  his  own  annoyance  with  himself  as  he  attempts  to  reason  with  his  brother,   palm  pressed  flat  to  the  doorway  as  he  glares  klaus'  way.  }    that  wasn't  (human).   i've  seen  a  lot  of  shit.   never  anything  like  that.   luther. . . has  a—   eugh—   has  a  point.   we're  entitled  to  know. 


we're the same, diego. not just on a power-level. you have to admit that.
          /  "oh i love it and i hate it at the same time, you and i drink the poison from the same vine" — daylight, david kushner


NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @forcombat- :
            never  said  we  weren't.    {  but  he  never  said  they  were,   did  he?   for  a  man  so  against  hierarchy  diego  has  been  steadfast  in  implementing  his  own,  so  far  against  falling  into  the  trap  of  superiority  that  he  slipped  into  the  illusion  of  separation  on  other  levels.    he  carefully  avoids  meeting  ember's  gaze  now  as  he  continues  to  sweep  away  stan's  most  recent  mess,   scoffing  under  his  breath  as  though  scaring  away  the  heaviness  of  the  conversation.  }    but  last  i  checked,   you  never  wound  up  with  an  alleged  delinquent  son  raining  on  your  vigilante  parade.     ( .. )    unless  you  have,   in  which  case  i'll  need  a  name  and  an  address.


this message may be offensive
i was with a boy for three years. i called it quits. i guess because we just weren't as compatible as i thought. he was nice and i was. . .  well. i changed. got more fucked up the older i got. i'm a hargreeves. nothing picture perfect about that.
          /  "i broke his heart, 'cause he was nice" — midnight rain  ( spoiler :  she's actually a massive lesbian in denial !!! )


this message may be offensive
NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @forcombat- :
            or  maybe  you  went  after  what  you  wanted.   nothing  wrong  with  that,   either.    {  with  a  lazy  movement  of  his  head  diego  is  facing  his  sister,  mindlessly  flipping  yet  another  knife  in  the  air  as  he  searches  for  the  response  that  should  be  given.  eudora  and  lila  both  supplied  his  ears  with  numerous  lectures  of  proper  responses,   advice  without  brash  brutality  or  a  reminder  that  being  alone  would  solve  the  majority  of  one's  problems,  but  somehow  none  of  them  feel  authentic.   their  family  was  never  about  flowery  fantasies,   not when  the  world  was  waiting  to  cut  into  them  with  arrows  and  daggers.  }    maybe  you  didn't  want  a  golden  retriever.    maybe  you  wanted  to  be  a  person  outside  of  someone  else.    i  mean,   {  now  he  shifts,   swiping  his  knife  from  the  air  midway  to  properly  prop  up  on  his  elbow.  }    we  spent  our  entire  lives  being  defined  by  a  british  fuck.   why  would  anyone  wanna  be  tied  down  immediately  after  that ?     ( .. )     look  at  allison  and  patrick.    klaus  and  his  weird,   pervy  cult.   five  and  the  mannequin.    /luther/.    are  any  of  us  cut  out  for  romance  yet ?   
            *    she's  so  real !!   rip  ember  hargreeves ,,  you  would  love  'good  luck,   babe!'


hey, hey. diego. i've got you, it's fine.
          /  "as long as i'm here, no one can hurt you" — everything i wanted, billie eilish


this message may be offensive
NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @forcombat- :
            (fuck).   {  the  breathless  exhale  that  diego  gives  comes  with  the  knife  falling  loose  from  his  grasp,   teeth  grinding  as  his  muscles  seem  to  tense  and  shake.   the  anxiety  attacks  of  his  past  exist  in  memories  he  wishes  to  exile  yet  come  back  in  a  rush  now,   flashes  of  white  set  to  the  song  of  his  father's  hatred.   a  destitute,  incompetent  child.   that's  what  he  was.   that's  what  he'll  always  be.   a  little  boy  trapped  beneath  reginald's  gaze,   ever  damning  as  it  was.  }    f—fuck.   ( .. )   stupid.   stupid.  this  is. . . this  is. . . wrong,   he  was  wrong.   he  was  wrong.
            *    their  song !!   i  can't  take  it  :')  ++  s2 ,,  someone  needed  to  stick  up  for  him  during  the  dinner  scene 


you knew exactly what dad did to us. you knew it hurt. and you still left me to feel that hurt alone.  ( .. )   i don't wanna talk it out.
          /  "you knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark" — hoax, taylor swift  ( she literally wrote it about ember hargreeves btw! )


NEED  YOU  TO  BE  BRAVE,  @forcombat- :
            that's  not  why  i  left.    {  why  does  he  speak  so  soon?   diego  has  always  been  a  man  of  flaws;  be  it  to  his  father,   to  his  siblings  or  to  himself,  he  has  never  been  the  perfect  picture  of  flawlessness.   he  spoke  too  soon,   interfered  without  questions  and  swung  without  thought.   he  left  before  his  wounds  could  deepen,   and  perhaps  that  only  created  another  for  the  first  person  he  ever  loved  more  than  himself  or  their  mother.   all  this  vocalization,  all  these  complaints,   all  these  years  spent  stewing  with  the  idea  that  luther  wasn't  worthy  for  number  one  because  his  idea  of  a  team  never  extended  into  the  inner  circle  of  their  world,   yet  what  did  he  do  himself?   it's  a  question  diego  doesn't  want  to  face,   but  here  ember  is.   she's  always  been  great  at  reminding  him  of  the  humanity  beyond  the  walls  meant  to  cage  them.  }   i  didn't  want  to  leave  you.   it  was  never  about  me  leaving  you.     ( .. )    i  made  promises  i  couldn't  keep,   alright?   that's  on  me.   i  know  that's  on  me,  but  you  know  it  goes  deeper  than  that.
            *     i  fear  ember  is  becoming  a  # literally  me  character ,,  hoax × peter  girlies  have  to  stick  together !! 


*     allie  requested  that  we  wake  up   &&  i  am  nothing  if not  attentive.   cb !!


/  do i ever talk about how much i love you