Once upon a time, there is a girl named Frost who has a boy best friend named Ice. They were thrown in Wattpad to tell an untold story that was in their imagination for a long time. Now it's time for them to try to help others escape reality for a mean time. It's their time to discover for what they believe... Care to read our work? ♥ ― Ice & Frost
@Carameloreo - We will post it, soon... Hope we meet your expectations. @sweetnaughties - Actually, there is no exact date yet. @Randammity - Thank you! @MaskedBeetch - Thank you, hope you'll like it. @Dunnowholovesme - Yeah the quotes are awesome but I'm not sure about our writing skills. @InfiniteBreaker - Really? Thanks! ♥ Much love, ~ Frost ♚