
・▏ cb and specify 


    &.    comfort based,    please.


&.           interrogation based first meet.


▋ ▎ ⠀⠀nostalgic  maybe  ..  


⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛   i  had  a  feeling  i’d  run
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ into  some  unexpected
          ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ company  today.   ❜


@heavenstrongest 〕
            the owl monstrosity seemed deliberately careful when following a path that has been long turned to dust. sharing a sigh of sadness in the state of it now. " it was another kingdom before this. it also fell to ruin. then this was built — " a poor attempt at comfort maybe. a way of saying it had a chance to grow and thrive again some day, even if it won't have the same people living there anymore.
            " I was here, more than most places to be honest. I knew a lot of kind and brilliant people from here. " the memories gave a faint smile, if only for a moment before it got distracted again but broken relics or things left behind. only to stop at one of the few stone foundations left exposed and barely standing. " someone important to me used to live here — a mistake I vowed never to make again. to only observe and not get involved. " for the little emotional it seemed capable of showing, this place above all others seemed to crack the robotic personality a little. it genuinely seemed sad, left pondering at the loccation far longer than any other. glauca was reliving some moments and though they were happy ones, it couldn't deny that his heart was a feeling one still. 


the  redhead  strikes  a  matchstick  against  his  nail,  the  soft  hiss  of  it  catching  fire  breaking  the  silence  in  the  air.  he  brings  it  up  to  the  silver  pipe  wedged  between  his  teeth,  tobacco   smoke  curling  from  it  in  thin,  grey  wisps.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛   ya  been  here  before?
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀last  time  i  was  here,  i
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀coulda  sworn  it  looked
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀a  lot  less  …  well,  crisp.   ❜
            mikael  does  not  turn  to  look  at  the  presence  behind  him;  his  dull  amber  eyes  continue  to  stare  at  the  tragic  state  of  this  once-thriving  city.  where  there  used  to  be  life,  there  are  only  charred  ruins  ⸻  the  only  remnants  of  a  place  that  once  was.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀ ❛   i  knew  people  from
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀here,  a  long  time  ago.
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀  ‘s  awful  to  be  reminded
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀of  how  fleeting  time  can
            ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀be  for  humans.   ❜


・▏ cb and specify 


    &.    comfort based,    please.


&.           interrogation based first meet.


▋ ▎ ⠀⠀nostalgic  maybe  ..  


     ``  who  is   there ?   show  yourself  . . .  `` 


@ruthlessluck 」
            it was quiet at first, unsettling eyes glimmer through the thick of the forest edge. horrible still when it seemed to stand far taller than a human normally would, hesitant to step out from the forest cover. " if you won't kill 5 will. know I am no fighting, was not made to wield strength. I came out of sympathy. I know the cruelty of gods all too well. " 


"how did you—" 


@heirslost 〕
            the creature followed, looking over at the forgotten and almost unrecognisable ruins and small signs that were left of the city that was once here. "hard to really say how long. last I was here, there had been a drought. the forest so thin and fragile. honestly, I am glad to see how vibrant and full it has become now." it wasn't his first visit. there had been many before. long before there even was a city. then when it was just a few wooden cabins with small families. he saw the rise and fall of many such places. he'd know how long it has been when going back to his records of this place. comparing then to now. "yes. I read and write in just about any language you can think of. I keep records of things that happen over time and copies of all written recordings made by others. you'd be surprised how easily things are forgotten and rediscovered. how a collapse of a kingdom can set back the clock on progress." following to the camp it would glance around, finding comfort with the fire as it would with the many candles it horded within his library. sitting close by to enjoy the warmth a little. accepting this as a little time off. something he desperately needed. especially feeling the keratin sheaths that incased the new feathers he'd grown over the years and never bothered to tend to. absentmindedly crushing some off to free the feather. maybe he had waited too long. there was so many he didn't think he'd tend to it now. only picking apart a few he could feel as he sat happily in the fire's glow. "it must sound strange, to have such a profession? I basically only have my pages and books. to some, it seems lonely, but I think there is nothing wrong with finding comfort in what you enjoy. what do you make of it?" he gave a small hum, wings puffed slightly at the wonderful warmth provided. 


@knowingowl ,
                 "how long have you been gone?"  he asked as he walked. its steps were odd indeed, and although he wondered as they walked he did not question his newfound companion. he had felt the shift in the air before when first meeting, he knew there was far more to it than what a seemingly normal voice betrayed. or perhaps he had been lonely too long, knowing what was normal and what was not slipping from his mind as the weeks turned to months, as life continued on while he lost himself in the wilds. still, he had been growing rather lonely as of late. and odd as it was he craved some form of company. even if it only ended up being sitting in amicable silence around a crackling fire.  "i don't believe it changes much, not out here at least. some have tried to tame it, but..."  his steps slowed as the bushes and trees thinned, as a shift in the air brought with it the faint brush of woodsmoke, of a dying fire. his staff curved in smaller arcs, and soon he had no need of it at all as he found his way back to camp. as if punctuating his last sentence he tapped a small pile of stone off to the side, old and forgotten carvings upon it half covered in moss. at first he had marveled over the discovery, fingers scanning every inch and imagination painting grand towers and temples before he'd lost interest. wherever this might have been was long since gone, reclaimed by the very thing they sought to tame. now it was barely ruin, and soon to be not even that.  "the cities might be a different matter, but i can understand how they'd be overwhelming." he set his staff against a nearby drunk, going to revive his dying fire and set down what he'd foraged for dinner. "you said you were seeker and keeper of knowledge," he began asking of the stranger, unable to help himself. "what does that entail, exactly? is... does that mean you're able to read?" a hopeful smile, his hands almost twitching towards his pack.   


@heirslost 〕
            it was careful in following behind. painfully aware how odd the steps may sound. nothing a human could make with bare feet or boots. large talons would nearly scrape at the ground below. even the hook nail having grown long enough to touch the earth at full rest. it had been too long since tending to itself. it was why it left in the first place. a need to be ripped away from the pages for but a moment. to get fresh air and properly tend to the body given. not even preening the newer feathers out either. "I am sure, but you have my thanks for the offer." it missed this. someone else's voice and a comprehensive reply. it had been so long. isolation had a toll the creature didn't expect. only small creature to help in his seemingly endless tower of his own creation. but now? even with his words he would take in their surroundings. nature. it almost forgot about it existing. all things now were between people. developments and wars with no real mention of the wilderness around it all. the wind and subtle songs of bugs and birds. it was nice. "even so, it is very unpredictable. but I suppose it adds to the wonder. you never know what you will find." like this elf. he didn't think he would meet someone out here. yet, he was thankful for it. "I have been here before, but a very long time ago. I guess I just wanted to see how it changed. far enough from the busy cities and towns too. it might be far too overwhelming for me." no lie to be sensed. it valued many things and honesty was almost as high as knowlage itself. practically unable to tell a lie. 


how did you find your way in here? the library is supposed to be closed for the night. 


@ancientnames 〕
            the creature was at least in his human form. the one people were most comfortable with. the one they weren't so afraid of. with a soft laugh he placed the book back on the shelf he had been paging through. "apologies. the doors weren't locked — though the lack of lighting really should have been a hint, huh?" it seemed like an honest mistake. well, from his perspective. he couldn't possibly tell the truth that he just flew in through a window and looked through some books for nostalgia sake. no, he couldn't admit such a thing. 


⠀i  can  handle  myself  quite  fine,  you  underestimate  me.


@vengrberg 〕
            the man would tilt his head slightly, looking over the mess of books pulled from the shelves and just left on the floor before retuning his gaze back to the stranger. hidden as a human, it was far easier to approach others. especially when offering help to them. "it may be faster if you just tell me what you're after. I have a pretty good idea where majority of the books are placed. you can handle it still on your own, but a point in the right direction could save you the efforts of going through so many pages." he was soft spoken. clearly working in this place for a good amount of time. despite his features suggesting nobility, he did a rather thanless job when compared to most. maybe it was simply for the quiet and peace this place brought. access to the books at all times also seemed rather appealing to most people hoping to do a similar job. 


what  a   fascinating   creature   you   are,    too  bad   i  / cannot /   possess  your   soul.


@hyrded 〕
            "I am saying I don't have a soul at all. simply something once created now animated with a breath of life." despite it breathing or feeling warm to the touch, it wasn't blood or air running through. only designs from a god for more masterful in creating unique life. "one of a kind. the only one made like this. only one made for the purpose of gathering and saving all knowledge." it didn't seem to mind answering. like it was meant to answer any question. a role long since lost gained some fulfillment now. part of it felt excited to give knowledge. black talons tapping on the stone below like one would tap a finger in thought. 


“you’re   telling  me  you?   a   creature  such as  /  yourself /   possess   an  immortal  soul?   impossible.”           ‛       permissibly   if   emotions   strewn   in  a  delicate   nature   were    allowed  to   be   seen,       flickered   upon   his   pale   face,  then   it’d   be   of   utter   shock    and   strange ..  surging   intrigue.  however,    behold   a   tight   shutter,    rurik   displayed   an   empty   expression.         “what   kind   are   you  specifically?”       


@hyrded 〕
            "you assume I had one to be possessed?" the large creature would question, almost unnatural in the way he would tilt his head, as if being used to more joints in his neck that wasn't there. 


/  love your acc <333
          oh, dear — do you need help? you seem to be in quite the situation. 


@insequenti 〕
            she wasn't human, but still. helping would make for powerful enemies that even she may not want to get involved with. "I am not teying to be dismissive. I am trying to keep you out of this mess. I have angered powerful people. there is no reason for you to be in their sight as well." very few gods still tolirated his existence and most wanted him gone. not just the greek gods, but those beyond their boarders. "trust me, it isn't worth the risk."


@knowingowl  |  "that's a very dismissive way to talk to someone who was offering to lend you a hand." she murmured as she approached the other, eyes luminous. "let me help you, and then i'll leave. it's faster this way, no?"


@insequenti 〕
            the man would shake his head, looking over to see how bad the damage really was. in the grand scheme of it all, he would survive. but it didn't look all that pleasant. not if he were human, that is. "it isn't safe here. just leave me be. I'll be alright –"