
Hey. Just thought you should know: Wattpad is deleting accounts of books that have smut in them. There might be certain bars for what’s allowed and what’s not, but you shouldn’t take chances. Start copying and pasting into a google doc now to make you have it saved. I’d hate for you to lose such an awesome book. 


Thanks for the heads up! The original document I have saved in word and it’s also published in totality on A03 and on, so even if they remove it, I won’t have lost the complete work. But again, thanks for the heads up! Appreciate it. 


Your book is great! It really captures all the teenage angst in their lives and all their relationships. And you kept their cannon behaviors, which is so great. Wish I knew your gender. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m a girl, she/her pronouns, and thank you so much for the positive review! I really try hard to keep them inline with their established behaviors since my love for the world Horkoshi has created and the characters is huge and I feel like if I make them ooc it’d be a disservice to his amazing work! But again, thank you so much for the review and I’m so very glad you like it! There are many more chapters remaining so hang in there! ☺️