
@Zoey8589 ur welcome:) thx 4 following me back!!!^_^


recomend me to your friends to enter the competetion conditions and terms on my profile to enter post a message on my profile or under neath season four draft of romeo and juliet.
          terms and conditions are also on my profile and if you like send me a message back and i will add you the first ten people will be entered into the draw to act one of the characters in the new season four of romeo and juliet.
          you will be added to a draw list which is chapter one of the new season and will get a chance that isnt seen anywhere else in the world so enter now, i know you hate adds, but please help out with this one, the winner of this competetion will get some help from author to author, other words from me to them if they need it, if you enter post up your name and your characters name on my profile or in a message and win the competetion, to act a story book character, names will have to be in by sunday afternoon