Hello to my dearest readers (especially of Perhaps),
I was informed by a considerate reader not long ago about one of the chapters of perhaps only containing a colossal of letters and symbols that made no sense whatsoever. I have no idea what happened, if i'm being hacked or if it was wattpad's issue. But this means that an entire chapter is missing from my book.
I'm currently trying my best to remember what the chapter was about and see if I can rewrite it. Perhaps was a book i wrote in the midst of a writer's block in 2014 and all the writing came loosely without much thought, so you can possibly see how disheartened i am that this happened to a chapter of my book.
I'll try and piece together this chapter, but for now keep in mind if you read anything of mine, to report back to me any strange looking chapters that seem a bit off. Thank you so much
Love, Clara