
Now that Somewhere in Paris just ended, I just wanted to take this time to thank you guys for supporting my stories even though sometimes I update so late and keep you all waiting. I really appreciate it.
          	I'll be taking a break for a month or two to make some chapters of the new story that will be published (Mutual Feelings).


such iconic book !! we'll be waiting for u,, take care <3!


(*/ω\*) hiii, me againn its 2024 noww. are you doing well? i'm worriedd on how you are doing. maybe you're busy,, maybe you have errands to run BUTTT even outside wattpad stories pleasee continue your writing even not shipping the twoo!! i'm hoping you have had/are having a nice break tho lololol.. hope you're doing well!


(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)!! hi there! i'm just curious if you're still active on writing your books as i'm quite worried that you haven't updated on yourself, but i do hope that you had/are having a nice break <3!


@tofshkook hii! sorry for being inactive for such a long time! I am not sure yet when I will start writing stories again since I am having troubles balancing my time on my college life, orgs and other stuffs but I'll try to write as soon as possible. I miss bangtwice :((


Now that Somewhere in Paris just ended, I just wanted to take this time to thank you guys for supporting my stories even though sometimes I update so late and keep you all waiting. I really appreciate it.
          I'll be taking a break for a month or two to make some chapters of the new story that will be published (Mutual Feelings).


such iconic book !! we'll be waiting for u,, take care <3!


I can't believe Somewhere in Paris is ending soon in just a few chapter. Because of that I have been thinking what to publish next so I'm here to ask you guys.
          Tzukook - Mutual Feelings
          Genre: Rom-Com
          Synopsis: It is about Jeon Jungkook having a crush of a lifetime on his best friend's sister -- Kim Tzuyu but they have a rule that no one between them should break, which is to fall in love with their each other's sister.
          The story will go around how they'll develop love with each other and hide it on Tzuyu's overprotective but loving brother.
          Tzukook - Everything About Her
          Genre: Romance, Drama
          Synopsis: It is a story about exes -- Chou Tzuyu and Jungkook who broke up because of the decision that changed their life. After so many years after they broke up, they'll be reunited. While doing the project they're on, one discovers a secret that could build up the lost times.
          The story will go around flashbacks, regrets, how they'll building trust and love with each other and how would they fight with things that they cannot change.
          Which one do you think should I publish next?


mutual feelings !!!


I love to see how mutual feeling goes 


@koo_kookies Mutual feelings would kinda be good! Fluffy!


Hi everyone! I'm officially back! 
          I'm going to publish Somewhere in Paris again sooner or later and I will make sure to make more interesting chapters and stories for you guys in the near future. 
          I'm feeling better than before so I just want to thank most of you for waiting for me and for supporting me in my weakest time. 
          I love you all.




+ also, I have made certain revisions on certain chapters in Somewhere in Paris so that I can deliver you best stories as possible.


hi everyone, it's koo_kookies! so let me explain why I am not updating Somewhere in Paris.
          DISCLAIMER ‼️ You may think I am full of excuses but I am not, it's just my life is a mess right now. Wrong timing :((
          So these past few weeks have been tough, not only because of school works but I have also been having a problem within my family. I am sorry if I have to take a break first but I'll be back as soon as possible. 
          As much as I don't want to take a hiatus in my story, I need to. Just for me to not be confused and to make more good chapters and stories. I will unpublish Somewhere in Paris for now and publish it again once I have returned.
          I hope you all understand me and I hope I didn't disappoint you all. I have also received good messages from some of you, so thank you so much and I love you all!
          Keep stanning bangtan and twice! Hoping for a great and iconic comeback soon! Lovelots!


@koo_kookies please feel better and definitely take a break. may you rest well and get well. stay safe! thanks for your hard work!


@koo_kookies I hope that you can solve your problems as soon as possible too. Keep us, your readers, as your inspiration. We will always support you no matter what happened.


@koo_kookies I wish you can go back again with a healthy mind and healthy life with your family. Please stay healthy and safe. We will always wait for you to comeback.


Hi everyonce! Sorry if I didn't update yet, I've been recovering from back problems still (I grew up getting sick all the time >_<) and I'm finishing schoolwork at the same time so I don't know if I could update Somewhere in Paris today or tomorrow but I'm working on it! 


@koo_kookies Fighting authornim, Don't worry as long as you are recovering from it and going to continue to write there is no problem, get lots of love