
Hey, I'm just letting you know that I have a plan to update a story every Friday for the foreseeable future. The next three weeks will be Why Us, Prank Me Not, and Custody Crazy.


Please do more is story update today please soon 


 Can you do more is story update tomorrow soon only in neverland editins


Hey, I'm just letting you know that I have a plan to update a story every Friday for the foreseeable future. The next three weeks will be Why Us, Prank Me Not, and Custody Crazy.


Please do more is story update today please soon 


 Can you do more is story update tomorrow soon only in neverland editins


I just posted the last chapter to Rich Boy Problems, and updated Why US. I hope you enjoy them.
          I probably won't be posting until July 22nd at the earliest.  I'm going on vacation the 7-17th and then the 18-22 I have a week long thing that I have all morning. While I'm on vacation I won't have my computer to type on, so there's no way for me to post. Even though the 18-22 I'll have my computer I don't know how much typing I'll be able to get done.


@koobsta, I really appreciate you adding my story, The Forbidden Lands to your Reading List! I try very hard to write good stories, and your support means the world to me. Thank you! 
          I also really like that thing on your profile about Harry Potter (I'd be a purebred). 


Hey guys I'm sorry is my writing slows down a bit. My dog that we've had for 11 years died this morning, and I'm having a hard time concentrating, and because of that I'm already having trouble in school and it's only 2nd hour. So if my writing slows down sorry, but it's hard to think right now.