Hello everyone! I’m just curious, I don’t even know if it’s appropriate to ask like this but yeah , What kind of relationship you guys have with your mothers. I want you guys to explain it. How do you spend time with her and everything. You can ignore this message if you want, my curiosity got the best out of me

@kookie-eater I love my mom. She's my best friend and my roommate. I can comfortably share anything with her, and we have a bond that's not like any mother and daughter but something very sepcial. We're like literal best friends. Although we do quarrel sometimes but we love each other a lot. Being an introvert, there are very few people in my life (around 3-4) with whom I'm close to and my mom is one of them. She still does everything for me even though I'm almost turning into an adult myself, she cooks my favorite meals, does my laundry, takes care of me when I fall sick, is always there for me whenever I need her. Your comment made me realize what I have and how sometimes we aren't grateful enough for the blessings we have. Thank you so much!

@kookie-eater first of all, don't think you typed too much or anything and that I'll ignore this because I simply won't. Second, idk how you feel but I understand how you feel and missing her is something involuntary to you, but hey you've got an amazing dad if he didn't let you feel much of your mom's absence. I know mom and dad aren't the same but he tried and if you ever feel like you need someone to rant to I'm here, I'll always be here just a message on my mb or dm and I'll come to comfort you leaving whatever I'm doing

@gwyneirax sorry, didn’t realise I typed all of that, you can skip it if you want. Thanks for asking though. (^^)