
I'm alive HAHAHA


Hii I hope you are doing fine. I really loved the book gunshots and I was thinking if you could maybe do a sequel of that book <3 


@hyuckielv Listen,,,,ik this is LONG overdue (my apologies is been 3 yrs :D) but if I can be honest I literally FORGOT WHAT THE STORY WAS ABT T_T I LOVE YOU TY FOR READING THO


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An update on my life: I have been stanning more kpop groups or soloist than before and I did a whole rant on Instagram of how I couldn't keep up with too many of them. I'm still fine, still a fan of Jungkook (BTS' recent comeback rocks asf, I'm listening to it every day now.) 
          Also, let's appreciate the past members of Wanna One who are going on with their whole career. 2019 was a bitch, but all of them got through it, achieved what they could. My bias, Jihoon, made another comeback and came to my country although I unfortunately couldn't see it because of my broke ass. 
          Skz and NCT Dream are about to have a concert here too, yet I don't have the money to afford that cost. Other than Kpop problems, I also have school which sucks so bad. Group projects everywhere and I can't even remember some of them, aha, I'm doomed. 
          Anyways, I hope you guys who still follows this account are okay! I've been going back to this account lately, which I hope is good. I'm still receiving a lot of good feedbacks on my books although, I may not have time to reply to them or even fix them. 
          Much love, ! 


How we doin? 
          Hi! Definitely don't know who'll be reading this but I'm gonna assume either my followers or maybe no one at all. If you didn't notice, I've never been as active as I used to be in this account anymore. Lmao, no, I didn't stop reading wattpad. 
          I also didn't switch accounts. I just had another. This used to be my main account, where I'd post all my stories and reading lists all together. But one day, yohoe got an idea of making another acc. 
          Because, ya know, I don't like being exposed to the real world and before someone makes a rumor about it, I made another acc and kinda neglected this account for a while. I moved all my books there and this account is left with nothing but my stories, lol. 
          Although, I'd comeback here once a week and would be shocked to find people still reading my books. Aha, I also forgot I left this account hanging even though I still need to edit, revise, or even continue some of my books. 
          This is just an announcement that I guess I won't be updating my unfinished stories or even edit my finished ones. I'd like to focus on reading. 
          Besides, a very interesting information, my friends all have wattpad now and before they get suspicious, let's just say I ran away as fast as possible by making a new acc. No, I'm not going to share that acc since I really want it to be private— try searching my follow list but you won't find it anyway.