
If only mumma knew,
          	Her daughter's hidden strife.
          	If only mumma knew,
          	Her daughter's secret life.
          	Skipping meals, hiding fears,
          	Wearing a mask, hiding tears.
          	If only mumma knew,
          	Her daughter's silent cry.
          	If only mumma knew,
          	Her daughter's barely getting by.
          	Hanging on, emotions wild,
          	Aching heart, unbeguiled.
          	If only mumma knew,
          	Those sudden snaps, a plea.
          	Aching soul, longing to be free.
          	But no, she won't unveil the show,
          	She'll keep her mumma's worries low.
          	To her, she'll always seem strong,
          	A warrior, where she belongs.
          	What kind of daughter would she be,
          	To shatter mumma's reverie?
          	So she'll keep the mask in place,
          	And hide the struggle, without a trace.


I love you, because indeed, you're a warrior. And no matter what happens, a warrior lives forever, if not in life, then in everyone's hearts. You'll always shine


I know you hide your scars
          	  I know you gaze at stars
          	  To get your mind off things
          	  To get the peace it brings.
          	  You smile when people stare
          	  But zone out when brushing your hair
          	  You laugh at everyone's jokes
          	  But alone you deal with your strokes.
          	  I know you skip your meals
          	  Because a part of your numbness it heals
          	  But you're happy when others eat well
          	  No matter how hard you're dealing with hell.
          	  You cover your face with a mask
          	  It became a habit, not anymore a task
          	  I know you run out of words
          	  When everything gets on your nerves.
          	  You procrastinate till the end of time
          	  But still get the work done before the deadline
          	  It's true that you're barely getting by
          	  Yet in front of others you choose not to cry
          	  Sometimes your heart aches way too much
          	  As if someone cut your skin and gave its flesh a touch
          	  Yet you wait for the right time to confront them
          	  Which you know will not come at the end.
          	  Your heart longs to be free
          	  But the chain named 'family' doesn't let you flee
          	  So you decide this is how its going to be
          	  And you drown yourself in this sea.
          	  If only mumma knew,
          	  How big of a warrior you are
          	  If only mumma knew,
          	  You accepted all the scar.


If only mumma knew,
          Her daughter's hidden strife.
          If only mumma knew,
          Her daughter's secret life.
          Skipping meals, hiding fears,
          Wearing a mask, hiding tears.
          If only mumma knew,
          Her daughter's silent cry.
          If only mumma knew,
          Her daughter's barely getting by.
          Hanging on, emotions wild,
          Aching heart, unbeguiled.
          If only mumma knew,
          Those sudden snaps, a plea.
          Aching soul, longing to be free.
          But no, she won't unveil the show,
          She'll keep her mumma's worries low.
          To her, she'll always seem strong,
          A warrior, where she belongs.
          What kind of daughter would she be,
          To shatter mumma's reverie?
          So she'll keep the mask in place,
          And hide the struggle, without a trace.


I love you, because indeed, you're a warrior. And no matter what happens, a warrior lives forever, if not in life, then in everyone's hearts. You'll always shine


I know you hide your scars
            I know you gaze at stars
            To get your mind off things
            To get the peace it brings.
            You smile when people stare
            But zone out when brushing your hair
            You laugh at everyone's jokes
            But alone you deal with your strokes.
            I know you skip your meals
            Because a part of your numbness it heals
            But you're happy when others eat well
            No matter how hard you're dealing with hell.
            You cover your face with a mask
            It became a habit, not anymore a task
            I know you run out of words
            When everything gets on your nerves.
            You procrastinate till the end of time
            But still get the work done before the deadline
            It's true that you're barely getting by
            Yet in front of others you choose not to cry
            Sometimes your heart aches way too much
            As if someone cut your skin and gave its flesh a touch
            Yet you wait for the right time to confront them
            Which you know will not come at the end.
            Your heart longs to be free
            But the chain named 'family' doesn't let you flee
            So you decide this is how its going to be
            And you drown yourself in this sea.
            If only mumma knew,
            How big of a warrior you are
            If only mumma knew,
            You accepted all the scar.


I don't know where to go anymore


@Lilieslieonlyforyou Don't worry. It's nothing. ❤️


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