
Generations after generations 
          	Born into endless declarations 
          	Between ruins and decorations
          	We've yet to see any implications 


Mothers on different sides
          Yet mothers nonetheless
          Mothers who love their sons 
          Humans, more or less
          Humans in whose eyes
          To call them human nonetheless?
          Or if our women's child dies
          Is their pain worth any less?


@ kookiemoster3  this is soo beautiful ❤️❤️


Hold on to me
          Wherever I may be
          Because consistency is key
          In recovery
          Let's take it slow
          Even if I grow
          Don't let me go
          I can't let you go
          Not yet, I can't 
          Let go of your hand
          Will you understand
          Don't leave me to be damned
          Save me
          Hold me
          Guide me
          With your arms
          It'll be painful at the start
          But you just have to play the part
          And watch how your pretty art
          Will heal my broken heart
          The sculpting of your face
          All my fingers trace
          What the Most Merciful creates
          Like He created us into pairs
          You and I alone
          Until the break of dawn
          As I begin to yawn
          I turn to see you gone
          How will I stand
          With an empty hand
          I just don't understand 
          This isn't what we planned 
          I cry when I can't see
          Where you used to be
          But consistency is key 
          In recovery 
          That's what they tell me
          Consistency is key
          In recovery
          For a day when we won't have to suffer anymore, where we don't have to lose our loved ones anymore. Maybe that day will come soon... but maybe I won't live long enough to see it too, maybe that's what hurts the most, but perhaps I'll get to see better days too.


Hey Guys~
          Long time no see, I haven't really posted here in a while but I have something I'm considering and I would like the opinion of anyone who reads this.
          So I'm thinking about discussing some serious topics that our generation (especially Muslims) struggle with, and I have read many books but unfortunately they have no translation other than Arabic. Yet these books would really help heal parts of us that no one talks about, simply because no one taught us. Although these concerns are primarely for the Muslim youth, I believe that all of us as young adults and teenagers need to hear and reconsider, I was thinking about making a book, but I'm not sure if Wattpad is the right platform for it.
          To be honest, I don't know where to post. I've struggled with so many things that I see in people my age, although I'm overcoming them, I see that others still drown in them. And it makes me sad that I'm able to get help just because I have the right resources and they're unable to access it (language barrier).
          Therefore, Muslim or not, all are welcome to answer. Would you like me to make a book asking about general questions to see what (generally young women on this app, around my age) are the main struggles? Especially as readers of fiction, how it influences you, what you like to read, why, etc etc... it doesn't necessarily always have to be serious, it can be fun topics, maybe relating to each others experiences?
          What do you think?


@kookiemoster3 I know you're probably sick of people messaging you about ADAM, but it was the first book I read that I genuinely enjoyed. I remember reading it when I was thirteen and I think back on it so much, I've reread it a few times since and, although it certainly didn't feel how it did when I first read it, looking back on it brought me a lot of comfort. I know if you bring it back it won't be the same, but I think you should consider rewriting it, or maybe just republishing it without the cuss words. I was honestly so heartbroken when I came back to read my comfort book to be greeted with it being deleted. I'm definitely asking for selfish reasons, but it would be nice to just give it a good read right now and feel how I did when I was younger :)


@DiablerieCharisma aww I'm so sorry :'( but I don't think I'll republish it because my writing has changes so much and my new books is what I'm really focusing on. Adam needs a whole re-writing process (if ever to be published again). I'm really happy you liked it, but unfortunately I can't keep it up w the cuss words/bad writing and plot that need heavy editing 


@kookiemoster3  i really miss reading your book ADAM, are you ever going to re-publish it? it was the only book I enjoyed reading on wattpad


Hey guys, I'm going to talk about something very important and I hope you will read and understand. 
          I have taken all of my books in the black series down: including: ADAM, Hearts For Fools, and ROSE. 
          even though Adam has already reached 3 million views, I'm not happy. In fact, it made me upset. I love all of your beautiful comments and your kind words, but I'm so uncomfortable with these stories for so many reasons.
          I began writing them 5 years ago, I'm now a different woman and especially in the past year I've been wanting to change so many things about myself, especially within my religion, I want to be a better Muslim and a better version of myself. and these book are blocking my windpipes: they contain so many cusses, are poorly written, they don't represent who I am as an author and a person, and I've lost the motivation to continue the series. 
          I'm so sorry for all of you who love to reread it, the guilt of taking away something you enjoy to read (as an understanding reader myself) was stopping me from doing this, but I have to do it in order to be at peace with my own soul and self. 
          I have a new book right now that I hope to place actual lessons in, actual values, to represent myself as an author and what I aspire to convey through my writing. The book, Innocent, Has barely any readers but at least I'm comfortable in it. 
          for these past 5 years thank you so much, thank you for being so funny, so sweet, so lighthearted and lovely. I used to read the comments on Adam to uplift my spirits, my gratitute isn't enough for shaping me as an author and for being a beautiful memory. 
          I appreciate you all, and I will always keep your comments in my heart, thank you for everything :)


@DiablerieCharisma honestly the events were kind of jumbled and out of order but I don't know why but reading your summary gave me SO much joy :') I love the way you explained the plot for some reason lol


@DiablerieCharisma thanks so much for the recall of the story Dia  lab u


Hey guys, it's been a really long time since I've been on wattpad but when I got back recently something really weird and (kinda hillarious but annoying at the same time) is happening in my comment sections on all of my stories.
          There are these weird accounts that always have pics of pretty women, and they keep commenting stuff like "hey :) text me for help *kissing emoji*" and sm weird shît like that, they've also been posting links with weird names like næked gįrls or sth.
          The reason I'm pissed off is that they're flooding my comment section on Adam and hearts for fools, even milana. And the issue is that I've reported this to wattpad and they said "we don't see any violation of guidelines blah blah blah". Like wtf??? They're literally posting links and phone numbers to shady (and possibly pørno) websites, and it's getting annoying having to delete them all, and wattpad isn't even willing to help.
          What do y'all think?


Come on guys. I thought y’all were better than this. Honestly I’m just disappointed. Like what the heck. 


@lavenderbeautyrose @gimmieallur_brownies 
            I've seen them on youtube as well, but on wattpad?? Like seriously? I didn't expect them here lol


@gxxttoflowers fr Wattpad is really starting to piss me off lately, like they will report comments that literally say a cuss word but won't report bots that post pørno websites tf


I honestly love the way you write, cause while you write your story a bit open with hints dropped here and there you still leave room for a light mysterious atmosphere with a dash of humour which is what I consider perfect in a good book. Keep up the great work.Also will you be updating 'Milana' soon? I got really caught up on the story I'm obsessed with it.


Your writing is my inspiration!! Its so great and the plot is deep, I love how you make it your own original story. I've been reading your stories and the language is beautiful.. every word that I read urges me to continue reading ♡ I recently finished a sci-fi book that i wrote from scrap! Maybe take a look and give some tips?   Xoxo ♡ big fan!


Thank you so much ❤ unfortunately milana is on hold right now because I'm writing a book called innocence on Inkitt. If you like it though you might like my new book :) if you're interested in reading it I can send you a link. But either way I'm glad you're enjoying my writing and thank you for your words 