
Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me while I’ve been taking my mental health break. I’m not here to say when I’m returning, just that I will be soon :)


I’ll be taking a longer hiatus than I initially thought I would. There’s a lot happening in my personal life and a lot more getting me down than I’d like for there to be. After I finish commissions, I’ll be off all socials for a while, but don’t worry, I’m not leaving for good. I just really need a break.
          When I’m ready to return, you’ll know! I’ll say so on here and on Cara :)


In light of the AI nonsense over on Instagram, I have made an account on Cara! It’s very new, not a lot of people on there yet, but I’d like to spread the word because it’s an anti-AI safe space, and has elements of Twitter, Instagram AND Deviantart that I really like!! Definitely check it out :)


Unfortunately, the next chapter won’t be releasing this Friday. I opened art commissions on my Instagram on Monday and 2 out of 5 slots are filled! Commissions currently hold priority (especially since I don’t have a job and am paying rent in like… a week and a half) and if I were to try and scramble to release the next chapter, it wouldn’t be as good as I’d like it to be. We’ll see if next week is more possible, but if not, I may have to take my planning hiatus early.
          If/when I do go on hiatus, I’m not disappearing again. I’m determined to see this story through. Not like I can ever truly leave it behind anyway lol


Every chapter out for AFTBRW is now on Archive of Our Own! It took me a bit to figure out how the site worked (the tagging system is a nightmare lmfao) but I did it!
          Chapters will now upload to both sites as I finish them :)


Yessss Im boutta make 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!!!


Just released Chapter 6 - Queen of Queens! Hope you guys are ready for some lore!
          … yes, I know this is early for me lol. I woke up at like 7:30 and haven’t been able to get back to sleep, so I figured I might as well post the chapter!


Chapter 6 - Queen of Queens will be releasing this Friday! My motivation fell off quite a bit this past week, but this chapter is coming along pretty well. I just have to keep fighting off my depression lol


@LillianCloudwing I’m so sorry it took me this long to reply to this but thank yooouuuuuu


Bro is a writer AND a warrior y’all!!! This is why they’re my bestie *heart eyes*


… welp, slight change of plans. Turns out Chapter 1 of TFSLR will be re-released alongside Chapter 8 of AFTBRW instead of 7. Because I keep having to split my chapters in half!!!
          I say that like it’s a bad thing but it’s really for the best. I’m a lot happier with this Chapter 6 and I think you guys will be too :)


@kookininja I love sitting and consuming stuff in big chunks okay??


@LillianCloudwing I’m glad!! Well technically the “chapter” will be releasing as 2, so you’ll still be getting it lmao. One just might arrive the following week


EEE the hype is so real! I love longer chapters so if you ever change your mind… um… I’m here 


I think next week Chapter 6 will be ready. As a certain friend of mine said, “if you have to force it, it might be sh*t” so I’ve been trying not to force it lol. The beginning of the story is just as important as the bulk of the plot, after all!


@LillianCloudwing This kinda reminds me of the “tf is a conclusion paragraph just stop reading” thing you sent a while back lmfao


When the writing is so good it feels like exposition is coming inside you (this is a very bad reference to a meme that I could not explain if i tried)


Honestly I wish I could write now, but I’m so tired. My spouse and I went somewhere that used to be one of our favourite places for sushi, but we hadn’t been there in months since the food deteriorated in quality significantly the last time we went. Turns out giving them another chance may not have been the best idea. They served me microwaved miso soup and warm sushi that looked and tasted a bit… off. The soup was fine but lemme tell ya, NEVER EAT WARM SUSHI OR YOU GON LEARN THE TRUE MEANING OF PAIN. Yes it was the same place I ordered the slime tea from. No it was not slime when I got it, but I took a sip from it in the fridge without checking how old it was. Naturally, it was over a week old. EUGH.
          … yes as a matter of fact I do have adhd


@kookininja “moss”??? I meant “NOW that sounds like good idea”


@kookininja daaamn you can do that?? Moss that sounds like a deal. I hate the show anyway LOL


@LillianCloudwing Yeah, that’s definitely understandable! Smh to the people being rude to you for having an allergy, not like you can control that. The hibachi places we have also have non-show seating, so we’re able to get a normal table for just the two of us without the randos. That’s what we’ve done the last few times we’ve been lmao