
Narwhals narwhals swimmin' in the ocean,
          	Causin' a commotion,
          	'Cause they are so awesome


If anyone wants to help me with my Spanish speaking presentation please do so. I need to practice having a conversation in Spanish.
          Abres tu corazón. Ayudo me hablar en español. ¿Por favor?


This is extremely late but in the time between that reply and now I have learned more Spanish!
            Yo fui a mi clase de Español y yo estudié mucho. Muchas gracias y ayúdame por favor. Tal vez... Este es  por mi ¡Por favor!
            How'd I do?


You did say 'I help me' lmao. It's ayúdame ^^ 


Did I just say "I help me"? I'm not sure if I'm wrong...


I am so sorry to all of you but I'm thinking of rarely checking it (checking it once every month or two or even three).
          I have a lot on my plate and need to keep up with schoolwork so I don't get bad report cards.
          The next time I'll be focused on this will probably be during summer break.
          Really sorry if you thought I was ignoring you or didn't want to follow you cuz I'm a f-tard. I'm not a snotty b*tch (puta) and I'll follow everyone that has and reply to everyone over the summer or try to get some in during winter break.
          My sincerest apologies,
          (P.S. love you guys❤ but not as much as someone else not on Wattpad... I'm a hopeless romantic with zero chance of ever finding the right guy who'll keep me and like me for more than two months *sigh*)


I will not be on Wattpad from now until July 30th.
          If there are any questions or comments that beg a response and I have not replied to you, this is my excuse.
          Prior commitments have been arranged and, therefore, take precedence over anything here.
          Sincerely Sorry,


Roar! I'm attacking your page! 
          I'm also stalking you!
          *Stalks korean_kitty_
          Hahaha! Good morning, afternoon or evening what ever it is where you are.


            My prize is the world!
            I think I will take the swirly blue marble over there.
            *points at earth from outer space*