
I decided to create a Discord server for Star Wars fan fiction and art. Join if you are interested.


EDIT, use this link instead:


Hi, so I‘ve been scrolling through the people I followed and looked at your profile again and noticed a little thing:
          You‘re stories are somehow completly out of order.
          Now since I‘ve been here for some time I understand why they are like that, but i would recommend ordering your stories.
          Put the ones that belong together (like the whole „they kill palps and everything is fine“ series) in chronological order (because of Spoilers), you‘re popular or/and current stories on top and the rest is up to you.
          Just make it, so it‘s easier to understand the connections and stuff. 
          As far as I remember you can change the order at „my stories“ and „published“.
          It‘s not much, but makes you A seem more serious and B attracts more readers.
          Hope I could help


I‘m glad I could help (it looks really good now)!
            Thank you so much, I haven‘t even thought about the normal settings.


@DieEmmaGe I didn't even know ordering stories was a thing. Thanks for telling me, I will definitely order them.
            Also, changing your name is pretty easy. You just have to go to "settings" and chose to change your username.


Hi, usually you find me in the comment section, but I just wanted to appreciate the fact, that you answer every single comment! (First I wanted to write that as an answer somerwhere, but I didn‘t know where it would fit…) 
          I don‘t always react, since at some points it‘s just not possible, but I still feel kind of honored, anyways:
          You write really amazing (especially for a non-native-speaker) and I feel like there aren‘t enough messages around here for such a great author, who actually takes much time to write and do research (really, your information is lit perfect)!
          So thank you for the great stories, I hope many will follow and someday you will have your big breakthrough!


@DieEmmaGe I would pin this comment but apparently you can't pin a message on Wattpad. Anyway, I'm glad you are planning on sticking around.


I‘m already looking foward to that day ;D
            (I‘m currently DEFINITLY not planning on leaving your stories behind)


@DieEmmaGe thank you so, so much for this message! I try to reply to all comments, my motto being: "You took time to comment, I take time to answer". I believe I've mentioned it before but the comments mean a lot to me and I think that without people lie you, people who read all my stories and react with votes and comments alike, I would sooner or later stop writing. So really, I thank you for all the encouragement.
            I'm glad you like my writing. I try my best, always read it after myself and run it through Word in case I still left some misspels as well as I try to gradually expand my dictionary to not repeat words too much and to always have the best word to describe the situation. I'm glad someone appreciates my efforts. As for the research, I do my best and if I'm not sure, I just make the description a little less detailed so I don't use any inaccurate information.
            I thank you for all the comments and votes that keep me going and remember, it's thanks to people like you I'm motivated to write. I can never thank you enough for that. I can just hope you stick around and once I am famous, I can say: "This is all thanks to DiEmmaGe from Wattpad.". 
            Have a nice day (or night?),


Hello there!
          As you might have or might have not noticed, I decided to change my username to something... more Star Wars and I will probably be changing my profile picture soon as well. So don't freak out about who this Kote person is, it's still me.
          Thank everyone who are here to read this announcement and my fics.