Hi, so I‘ve been scrolling through the people I followed and looked at your profile again and noticed a little thing: You‘re stories are somehow completly out of order. Now since I‘ve been here for some time I understand why they are like that, but i would recommend ordering your stories. Put the ones that belong together (like the whole „they kill palps and everything is fine“ series) in chronological order (because of Spoilers), you‘re popular or/and current stories on top and the rest is up to you. Just make it, so it‘s easier to understand the connections and stuff. As far as I remember you can change the order at „my stories“ and „published“. It‘s not much, but makes you A seem more serious and B attracts more readers. Hope I could help :D

I‘m glad I could help (it looks really good now)! Thank you so much, I haven‘t even thought about the normal settings.

@DieEmmaGe I didn't even know ordering stories was a thing. Thanks for telling me, I will definitely order them. Also, changing your name is pretty easy. You just have to go to "settings" and chose to change your username.