
Hi everyone, I'm sorry, but I'm quitting.
          	I haven't been having much motivation to work on writing stories and all here, and my parents are making me practice an instrument for the new year, so I figured I had to give up something so I could have time to do everything. This probably won't be much of a change but at least it feels like I'm doing something.
          	I'll keep up my short stories and my first official book because they feel like achievements that I worked hard on, but I won't be adding anything new to the short stories or writing any new stories. Who knows though, maybe one day I'll quit something else and come back to this after years and years. I don't know.
          	But for now, I'm quitting. I hope you all understand. Goodbye.




Im deleTed this app now, but my TikTok is Cheri_Theperson, and my insta is cheri_flavoredchocolate, an do my snap is cheri_forever24


I DONT know if you remeber me, but I used to like, be your friend back when you had your YouTube account “smol Lily”


Hi everyone, I'm sorry, but I'm quitting.
          I haven't been having much motivation to work on writing stories and all here, and my parents are making me practice an instrument for the new year, so I figured I had to give up something so I could have time to do everything. This probably won't be much of a change but at least it feels like I'm doing something.
          I'll keep up my short stories and my first official book because they feel like achievements that I worked hard on, but I won't be adding anything new to the short stories or writing any new stories. Who knows though, maybe one day I'll quit something else and come back to this after years and years. I don't know.
          But for now, I'm quitting. I hope you all understand. Goodbye.


Hello people!
          In case you were wondering what happened to Alternate Dimensions (you probably weren't but still) I had to delete it because of what I am about to explain.
          Somehow, my computer lost the document I had made for the storyline of the story, and as you all know, I was dead for a very long time and have no memory of what I wrote in there. Which means, yup, operation canceled. I had really big dreams for it too, but sometimes life is just like that.
          I will be starting other books, obviously, so stay tuned, but I will probably go dead for months sometimes when I lose motivation. I do have an insta (alyx_is_here) and a new youtube channel (L3mon G1rl) now tho! Make sure to check that out :)
          Goodbye, stay tuned for other books!


If you want more followers, just follow me and then go in the replies to this comment and say you want me to follow you back. I’ll do that as soon as possible :)


@Avasnipaz20 oh sure! i'll follow you! :D


@kotlcfan001 i would love for you to follow me, but that is completely up to you! <333