Hello wonderful people who are taking there time to read this some-what long post. I just wanted to say a few things so none of you think I forgot about my books or that I decided to give up my phone and live in a cave.
First: Recently I've been working on editing a few of my stories (Alohamora/Harry Potter and The Unexpected Grim). So far it's been going pretty fast, but finding the time for it is a lot harder.
Second: I've also been trying to update on my book Glimour. I've gotten part of a chapter written, but I'm not happy with how it's going. I want everything I out out to be the best it can be for anyone who reads.
Lastly: A few ideas have popped in my head for book ideas. I've started working on a few of them, but I want to know what you guys want me to write about. More fanfics, fantasy, realistic, or anything else. Please let me know because I love hearing your feedback!
That's it! Thanks for reading my books because the feeling I get when I see how many people have read my stories is amazing! Nothing is better than knowing people like reading the stories I work so hard on! Adios bookians!