
a little vicious just got flagged as mature content (for reasons beyond my comprehension because, seriously, nothing explicit was written). but honestly? considering the general lack of interest in the rewrite, my ongoing war with writer’s block, and the harsh reality that i haven’t actually finished a book in seven years—i think it’s time to call it quits. i’ll be taking a little vicious down soon, and with it, this account will be closing as well. i don’t know when but I think i owe all those who supported me for the past nine years an explanation. thank you to everyone who’s read my writing, supported me and made me feel so worthy as an author. i appreciate you more than you know.
          	xo,  karsyn. 


nooo :((( don’t give up I legit love your writing. 


Noooo. I’m going to miss you :( mature not like smut but maybe gore or detailed about mature topics


a little vicious just got flagged as mature content (for reasons beyond my comprehension because, seriously, nothing explicit was written). but honestly? considering the general lack of interest in the rewrite, my ongoing war with writer’s block, and the harsh reality that i haven’t actually finished a book in seven years—i think it’s time to call it quits. i’ll be taking a little vicious down soon, and with it, this account will be closing as well. i don’t know when but I think i owe all those who supported me for the past nine years an explanation. thank you to everyone who’s read my writing, supported me and made me feel so worthy as an author. i appreciate you more than you know.
          xo,  karsyn. 


nooo :((( don’t give up I legit love your writing. 


Noooo. I’m going to miss you :( mature not like smut but maybe gore or detailed about mature topics


i want to publish a graphics shop but i feel like no one really uses them anymore? would anyone be interested? 


I’d definitely be interested :)


@kovrture i personally would be interested!