
So... I've been gone for far too long and y'all are probably annoyed by me but being in quarantine is making want to start writing again. So expect new stories/update. Also for this who read my art book or have free time, please take a look a coming updates. I'm genuinely proud of my improvement in my art skills.


So... I've been gone for far too long and y'all are probably annoyed by me but being in quarantine is making want to start writing again. So expect new stories/update. Also for this who read my art book or have free time, please take a look a coming updates. I'm genuinely proud of my improvement in my art skills.


[Warning: Can be an emotional trigger to some]
           Topic: Bullying 
          Victim: Me 
          I had never been bullied until last week. I usually stood up to people that got bullied. I made sure not to be mean to anyone I didn't know personally. But it looks like that didn't work. This group of boys decided to pick on me ,since I am the loner in my 4th period class. They called me names and pointed at me to make sure I knew it was me they were talking about.They bothered me when I was working on assignments. They kept putting me in the spotlight so others could laugh at me. I was falling in depression because of it. The teachers noticed and asked me what was wrong, but I put a fake smile on and said nothing wrong. I was afraid to speak out against them. But today that ended. This girl in my class told on them and the teacher talked to them. They apologized but I could tell it wasn't sincere and asked my teacher to be moved to a different class. She sent me to the counselor and she moved me to another class and said she would check up one me Friday to see if I was doing fine. I am thankful to the girl that helped me. Thank you! ^-^ Now I can truly smile once again. 
                                 - From a Bullying Victim 


@kpop_and_anime2516 *sighs* good, I was worried for a second there...


@SleepySilverkitten no, it's just a new word to me(created by you). I'm not doubting your fantabulousness


@kpop_and_anime2516 Why the quotes around fantabulous? Are you doubting our fantabulousness?