Being a writer with ADHD is so frustrating sometimes because I have this chapter planned out in my head. I know exactly what I want to write. And I know how I want to write it. But I've had this damned app open on my laptop (I've had my laptop closed and open but turned on the entire time) for about 6 hours now I think, maybe even longer idk and I have not written a single word And it's not that I don't have the motivation or energy or want to write it, no not at all. I just can't start it. Wdym 'saved 4:39pm' and now it's 8:48pm and all that's written is the stars I put at the start and end of every cc + cls chapter

@kpopandqueer ur doing great great, pooks. dw, im here for u(altho i dont have adhd but im here for u and love just the way u are<3)