
Hello everyone! Everyone has been asking me to update all of my most famous books and I would like to say, I was 12 years old when I published some of these works, I am now 18 years old and I am about to graduate high school in a June! I will start to work on, recollect, AND update the rest of my books! I’m sorry for any inconvenience or anger regarding me not publishing, as of my old messages from about 5-6 years ago, I was a child suffering from high risk depression and anxiety and I am still on medication to this day! I am doing well and I would love it if you guys kept giving me kind words on my books but also critiquing my mistakes, I really appreciate it. Thank you again for reading this entire thing Ik it’s huge I’m sorry have a good one everyone!


Hello everyone! Everyone has been asking me to update all of my most famous books and I would like to say, I was 12 years old when I published some of these works, I am now 18 years old and I am about to graduate high school in a June! I will start to work on, recollect, AND update the rest of my books! I’m sorry for any inconvenience or anger regarding me not publishing, as of my old messages from about 5-6 years ago, I was a child suffering from high risk depression and anxiety and I am still on medication to this day! I am doing well and I would love it if you guys kept giving me kind words on my books but also critiquing my mistakes, I really appreciate it. Thank you again for reading this entire thing Ik it’s huge I’m sorry have a good one everyone!


Guys what do I do when I feel like I’m being excluded? Like idk what to do bc I don’t want to tell them just to make them mad but I genuinely feel like the outcast. They always hang out with each other but never seem to find the time or need to invite me and It makes me feel upset bc I genuinely love these ppl but why do I feel like an outcast? 


I really do feel like an outcast in my friendships. Idk it’s just everytime trio friendships happen I feel like I don’t belong. If I always look at those friendships to bond but they never work when I look at it that way like how my therapist told me. It’s been months maybe even a year since I’ve posted on this platform and I apologize for the huge delays I haven’t been feelings well at all. 


I’m really busy and idek if I can finish my story on Runyu but rn I’m deadass you my through it. I’m working on a local shop, I have to finish a lot of my work and my birthdays soon and my best friend wants me to go ice skating‍♀️ I can’t ice skate -
          But I’ll let you know when I get back on the train of finishing my works<3