


i just hit 100k reads on kpop imagines the other day. this is an amazing accomplishment for me. ive always loved writing fiction, and im so glad that people enjoy reading my work. im sorry i dont update much, or that i discontinue books, but thank you so much for being there anyway. 100k is more than i ever dreamed of. thank you.


Hey yall. So. I've been gone a while. I'm sorry.  I've been struggling with depression and anxiety. I'm hoping I can have enough motivation to update again.  Any way I just wanted to check in so yall can see I'm ok. I'm sorry. Thanks for the love you all constantly give my work. I read every comment. It makes my day.  




@ming-rude no problem! And if you have any questions about them ill try to answer it to the best of my ability XD. Theyre all amazing, and they need love


@ming-rude OKOK I GOT YOU. *cries bc wattpad doesnt like links.* THEY HAVE THIS THING CALLED MAP6 TV AND SOME GORGEOUS PEOPLE SUBBED IT. BASICALLY JUST YOUTUBE MAP6 ENG SUBS AND WATCH EVERYTHING. Beagle school, pops in seoul, selca Challenge, map6's all great. The pops in seoul will really help you get to know them and map6 tv is also good for that. Though, I dont know how many episodes they have subbed. A youtuber called mint boy subs them, along with someone else called mapshi, and a few others though I watched mint boy.
            And ofc their music videos though youve probably watched those already.
            Good luck bias picking!


SOSOSO sorry I havent updated! I havent put my priorities here, which I should since I have requests and im so sorry to keep you waiting I just wanna say that because its been a while I feel bad sorrysorrysorrysorry. Ill get on them asap! I had a few other things to write to get something started and idk I was on spring break and anyway. Ill get to it asap. Sorry again. 


So, I'm going to try to update more. I'll be on spring break Next week, so maybe I can update then. Thank you guys for commenting, it really motivates me to see that you guys want more :) So, don't feel afraid to Pm me or comment if you want me to update a story? Nicely of course. And I might not be able to update as quick as you may like but it brings it to my attention, and typically I update very quickly. Thank you for reading my books!


Is anyone interested in me doing an about me? Questions about the author? I feel like I'm so...mysterious but if it sounds cool I can do a get to know you. ^3^ I'd probably just take questions from the internet and post it as a chapter in kpop imagines.


It's the middle of the night and guess who stayed up binging monsta x yup I might take requests for them now because I LOVE THEM (have for a while but never got into them.)  and also vav for my underrated book I LOVE THEM TOO.