Hey guys! Please, if you haven't already, go check out my new story Shoot, and my other incomplete story, Serendipity, as I will be posting new chapters for each soon! Thanks! :)
Hey guys! Please, if you haven't already, go check out my new story Shoot, and my other incomplete story, Serendipity, as I will be posting new chapters for each soon! Thanks! :)
Hey everybody! Please go check out the latest chapter of Explosives, as I will be updating it again very soon! Also, if you have time, have a look at Pressure, the new story I've written for LGBT+ Pride Month (June)! Enjoy!
Hey guys! I read Corrupted Fairytales: Alys in Deadland and it was pretty good, so @jesykaandllilie and i are all good now! Thanks for the recommendation!
U should check out Alys in Deadland. It's such an amazing book. Sure the prologue is a bit... off... but the rest of the book is absolutely amazing. One of the best books I have read on here
Hey, @jesykaandllilie really want you to read their story Alys and Deadland. I read it and I thought it was amazing! The characters are so diverse and the plot line is unique. I think you'd love it if you gave it another chance! :)
@EmmalynBurri you go girl! They literally got into an argument over it lol. Llilie disowned Rosie and everything. They're still friends but it was really funny Lolol ~Jesyka