Ah I feel better now! Just cleared out my library a bit. Most of the books in my new "completed want to read list" haven't been started yet so I pulled them out. My OCD has been bugging me about this for a while. I need categorization!!! ;) I can still remember what they were now that I have that list ready. It's mostly for a moment when I just want to be able to binge and not worry about starting something and end up addicted to an unfinished book. Cuz when I want to binge I will be completely caught up in a day - I don't care how many chapters there are, it's happening. That's not a baaad thing but I can only tolerate hanging around for oh so many books before I start ignoring all of them out of frustration. Now my library is a bit less messy and I can more easily spot what I kind of progress I/the authors have been making on the books I have actually started. Mental sanity slightly improved!