
I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and holiday break 
          	I just wanted to say I’m thankful for each and every single one of you on here. Much love, always ❤️❤️❤️


@kreaytivity That is cute ^-^


Thank you for following me. I am hoping to see your support to the books I have started with recently.
          1) There is always light (my memoir in form of poetry)

          2) Mixed feelings (powerful poems of long length about mixed culture)

          3) The leaving (Instagram poetry or smaller version that you can relate to for sure)

          Thanks again and have a great day ahead!


Hey guys! Kind of off topic of my book but not really, my friend and I made a competition on who could get more internet famous in 1 years time. Him and his buddies have a podcast on YouTube, just starting out. And while I do want to win, I’m all about friendliness so if anyone is interested in giving them a listen, let me know! 
          Also, I’m looking for someone who would be interested in helping edit my story/look for plot holes/spelling and grammar mistakes. Send me a PM if you’d like to help a sista out. 
          Much love, always ❤️